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nt y <br />r � <br />200311607 Qi 3 <br />I1NppryryII IIl1 trr1 doryI IIIrpp <br />iiiiiiiiinilllilillllll iili lillllilllllla I <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />PRINCIPAL RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE, INC. 906 #:1359931 -1 "SCHMIDT' Hall, Nebraska VRU #: 8886796377 <br />WHEREAS FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY whose address is 15661 Red Hill Avenue, Suite <br />200, Tustin, CA 92780 Is the present Trustee of record under the following described Deed of Trust: <br />J <br />l rustor NORMAN L SCHMIDT AND DONNA SCHMIDT, HUSBAND AND WIFE .s <br />Beneficiary: PRINCIPAL RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE, INC. O <br />Original Beneficiary: MAJOR MORTGAGE <br />Original Trustee: TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY <br />Dated: 05/21/1999 Recorded: 05/21/1999 as Instrument No.: 99- 105248, in The County of Hell, State of Nebraska <br />Legal: PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER(NW1/4) OF SECTION TWENTY-SIX (26), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN <br />(11) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MORE <br />PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHERE THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST <br />QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH, RANGE 10 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. INTERSECTS <br />THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THEU.P.R.R. CO. WHICH POINT IS 987.1 FEET NORTH OF THE <br />SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THENORTHW EST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26, RUNNING THENCE NORTH <br />ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEWST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26, 225.0 FEET; RUNNING <br />THENCEWESTERLY PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY OF THE U.P.R.R. CO. 225.0 FEET; <br />RUNNING THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTEROF SAID <br />SECTION 26, 225.0 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY OF THE U.P.R.R. CO., THENCE <br />EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE U.P.R.R. CO., 225.0 FEET TO THE ACTUAL <br />POINT OF BEGINNING <br />Property Address: 4206 W HIGHWAY # 30, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />AND WHEREAS, the above said Deed of Trust has been paid In full; <br />NOW THEREFORE, the present Trustee having received from the present owner of the beneficial Interest under <br />said Deed of Trust and the obligations secured thereby, a written request to reconvey by reason of the obligations <br />secured by said Deed of Trust; <br />DOES HEREBY RECONVEY, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, the estate, title and <br />interest now held by it under said Deed of Trust, describing the land therein as more fully described in said Deed of <br />Trust. <br />a ,P16CEI,ITrY!!Z NAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY as Trustee <br />LI KI O H Assist Ice President <br />STATE OF California <br />COUNTY F nge <br />On before me, Y. BRENES, a Notary Public in and for Orange County, in the State of California, <br />personal) app ared LISA KIMBROUGH , Assistant Vice President, personally known to me (or proved to me on the <br />basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) Is /are subscribed to the within Instrument and <br />acknowledged to me that he /shelthey executed the same In his /her /their authorized capacity, and that by <br />his/her /their signature on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, <br />executed the instr men/. <br />WITNESS my ha ntl offi i seal, Y BRENES l <br />56088 fZZ <br />E <br />V. BRENE I _I,�e wulny,,.. <br />Notary Expires: 04 /28/2006 #1354088 My Comm. ExpiresApr28.2006 <br />(This area for notarial seal) <br />13599011 NEerATE TRUST REL-N9'NSPRIN- ..��,,yy.. <br />_ _ YtiRENEa 1 <br />'4� Coiaarfi nt 1364088 r <br />Notary Public - Calilomia ¢7 <br />Orange County <br />My Comm. Expires Apr28, 2086 <br />