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L403 )II 95 <br />pevurr. visver <br />4. The laud referred to in this commitment is located in Hall County;. Nebraska and described as follows: <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4!iZI /4) of Secdoa Twenty (;:"0), <br />in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 611:3 P.M., Hall County, Nebra aka <br />more particularly described as follows, to -writ; Beginning at the Southeast corner of sold <br />Sectiou 20, a distance of 628.0 feet to the Southeast corner of .Del-Air Addition to the Cit; - of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska; thence Westerly along and upon tbe- South Hot of said Bd-..4ir <br />Addition, a distance of 175.0 feet, thence running Southerly and lo-arallel to the East line of said <br />Section 20, a distance of 216A9 feet to the actual place of beginn-ing; thence Westerly a distance <br />of 1309 feet to a point 213.88 feet South of the South line of said Bel Air Addition; the:ace <br />running Southerly and parallel to the East line of said Section 2(1 :. a distauce of 75.0 feet; the-ace <br />running Easterly a distance of 130.0 feet to a point 288.88 feet &)uth of the South line of tidd <br />Bel-Air Addition; thence running Northerly and parallel to the :East line of said Section 20 a <br />distance of 75.0 feet to the place of beginning. <br />