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FILE: 03 -2796 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />200311155 <br />PARCEL 1: Lot Nineteen (19), Island Acres Number Six (6), a replat of Lots Nineteen (19) and Twenty <br />(20), Island Acres, City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />PARCEL 2: Part of Lot One (1), Island Acres Number Eleven (11), in the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Lot One <br />(1), Island Acres Number Eleven (11), thence Westerly 32 feet along and upon the South line of Lot One <br />(1), Island Acres Number Eleven (11), thence Northerly parallel to the East line of Lot One (1), Island <br />Acres Number Eleven (11), a distance of 152.03'; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of Lot One <br />(1), Island Acres Number Eleven (11), a distance of 321, thence Southerly along and upon the East line <br />of Lot One (1), Island Acres Number Eleven (11), a distance of 152.03' to the point of beginning. <br />Form Software by Automated Real Estate Services, Inc. 1 -600- 330 -1295 03 -2796 / 03 -2796 <br />