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200311102 <br />any amendments thereto, are available for the Grantee's review at the Office of the <br />Commander's Representative. The Grantee agrees that should any conflict arise between the <br />terms of the FFA as they presently exist or may be amended, and the provisions of this property <br />transfer, the terms of the FFA will take precedence. The Grantee further agrees that <br />notwithstanding any other provisions of this property transfer, the United States assumes no <br />liability to the Grantee should implementation of the FFA interfere with its use of the property. <br />The Grantee or any subsequent transferee, shall have no claim on account of any such <br />interference against the United States or any officer, agent, employee or contractor thereof. <br />b. Lead -Based Paint Warning And Covenant <br />(1) The Property includes structure(s) or building(s) suitable for a residential dwelling. <br />Grantee, for itself and its successors and assigns, is hereby informed and does acknowledge that <br />all buildings on the property which were constructed or rehabilitated prior to 1960, contain <br />lead -based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health hazards if not managed <br />properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Such <br />property may present exposure to lead from lead -based paint that may place young children at <br />risk of developing lead poisoning. Lead poisoning in young children may cause permanent <br />neurological damage, including learning disabilities, reduced intelligence quotient, behavioral <br />problems and impaired memory. <br />(2) A Lead -Based Paint Risk Assessment dated May 9, 2000, was prepared by Third <br />Party Environmental on behalf of the Grantor. The Assessment verifies the presence of <br />lead -based paint and lead -based paint hazards in and upon the property. Grantee acknowledges <br />that he was provided a copy of the Assessment. In addition, the Grantee agrees to obtain an <br />updated current Lead -Based Paint Risk Assessment by a certified risk assessor, if necessary. <br />Grantee also acknowledges that it will be responsible for abating all lead -based paint hazards <br />identified on the property prior to allowing the property to be utilized for residential purposes. <br />Prior to beginning abatement of lead -based paint hazards on the property, the Grantee shall, in <br />writing, notify the Grantor, which in turn shall assure that the abatement is carried out by the <br />Grantee in accordance with Federal regulations before residential occupancy of the property. <br />Grantee, for itself and its successors and assigns, also acknowledges that it received the <br />opportunity to conduct its own risk assessment or inspection for the presence of lead -based paint <br />and/or lead -based paint hazards prior to the transfer. <br />(3) Grantee, for itself and its successors and assigns, agrees and covenants that it shall <br />comply with all applicable Federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to lead -based <br />paint and/or lead -based paint hazards. Grantee, its successors and assigns, further agrees and <br />covenants that it shall not permit use of any buildings or structures on the Property for residential <br />habitation without: (a) inspecting for the presence of lead -based paint and/or lead -based paint <br />hazards; (b) abating and eliminating lead -based hazards as required by and in accordance with all <br />applicable laws and regulations; and (c) complying with the notice and disclosure requirements <br />under applicable Federal and state law. Grantee, its successors and assigns, further agrees and <br />covenants that it shall be responsible for any future remediation of lead -based paint found to be <br />necessary on the Property. <br />5 <br />
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