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200311102 <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all improvements, hereditaments, <br />appurtenances therein and all reversions, remainders, issues, profits and other rights belonging or <br />related thereto, either in law or in equity, for the use, benefit and behalf of the Grantee, its <br />successors and assigns forever. <br />II. GENERAL GOVERNMENT RESERVATIONS TO CONVEYANCE <br />SAVE AND EXCEPT and there is hereby reserved unto Grantor, and its assigns, all rights <br />and interests that have been previously reserved to Grantor, if any, in any Patent(s) covering the <br />Property. <br />III. CERCLA COVENANT AND RESERVED ACCESS <br />a. Pursuant to Section 120(h)(3) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, <br />Compensation and Liability Act, as amended (CERCLA) 42 U.S.C. 9620 (h)(3), the Grantor has <br />made a complete search of its records concerning the property, which is the subject of this deed. <br />Those records indicate that the following hazardous substances, as defined by Section 101 (14) <br />of CERCLA, and listed below, have been stored for one year or more (S), released (R), or <br />disposed of (D), on the property during the time the property was owned by the United States of <br />America. The Grantee should review the `Environmental Baseline Survey for Disposal of <br />Farmhouse 172 -A and Garage 206 -B along with 5 acres of Land," dated 1 September 1998, and <br />the Lead -Based Paint Risk Assessment report, dated 9 May 2000, for further details. <br />R <br />S Date of <br />SUBST D CASRN QUANT RCRA# R, S, D Action Taken <br />LEAD R 7439921 * N/A * None + <br />TOLUENE R 108883 * U220 * None ++ <br />Benzene, methyl <br />+ Grantee is responsible for abating the lead in the soil around the farmhouse as part of the <br />abatement of the lead -based paint hazards prior to allowing anyone to utilize the property for <br />residential purposes. <br />++ No further remedial action is required as concentrations do not exceed the Federal MCLs or <br />the Nebraska Groundwater Quality Standards of 1,000ug/L. <br />* The information is either not available, is incomplete, or requires further explanation. <br />" SUBST" shall mean any member of that group of substances defined as hazardous under <br />CERCLA Section 101(14) and appearing at 40 CFR 302.4; "QUANT" shall mean the quantity in <br />kilograms and pounds of hazardous substance; " CASRN" shall mean the Chemical Abstracts <br />Services Registry Number ( CASRN), where applicable; "SYNONYM" shall mean the regulatory <br />