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0. r , <br />• ' <br />200311060 <br />o• EX111111T nnn <br />A tract of land locntetl 111 the Northwest Quarter of Lite Northeast Quarter <br />(NAMOL of Section 35, zbwnship 11 tjortil, Range 10 blast of the oixtlt Principal meridian <br />liaw County, tlebraska, and more Particularly described as follower Colm"Onciftg at the <br />Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (URN). of said Section 351 thence Xut11t1119 East <br />along the North line of the trorthnnsl: 9itnr1:rer. (t1r.4) of 9ect1• >rt 35 .la dilat nrtce of tl1.11e <br />11undred Forty -Three and Revatrty -Two Ifuttdrectthn (943.721 feet) tttprtce deflecting right <br />Ninety degrees Ito minutes tgeoU ") nttcl X11»111)19 South a distance of Forty altcl Ito I1ts11dredths <br />(40,00). feet to a point on the South night of Way lino of n County noacl, said point being <br />the actual point of beginnillgo thence coal t.i.mtitog South on n 11111 perpenciicllllar to the <br />South night of Way t.lne of nnid County Pond A dlntnnce of Olin 'rhotinmtd Two Ilundrr.l F.tght•y <br />Two and No llundredths (1202.001 fentf thence cinflect.i.ttg Left ti(tlaty Degreen and tit) Ilinutee <br />(90000*) and running Enst a distance of 7•hrr..n 11undred '1'h.(rty land Revwnty Fight <br />Hundredths (339..791. feetl tt'ience deflecting left Nl%%%gLy degrees laud 110 m11111tn1l (90C)U01) <br />and running Nortii a distance of One Thouennd Two ItunclraA eighty -Tap and IIo Ilundredthn <br />(1202.00). feet to the South nlght of Way 1.1na of'nrild Cotnity Itondl thence dnflecting left <br />Ninety degrees and no mLlntes (90'000 "). and running West along tite South Right of Woy of <br />said County Rood a distance of Three Ihtudrnd Thirty -Nilte nncl seventy -Fight 11tntdredths <br />(339.7 81 feet to the actual point of beginning.. <br />