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200311059 <br />EXILIBIT "A" <br />A tract of land located in the tlorthwest puilrter of the ttortheatvt Quarter <br />(NW!iNF, %L of Section 3S, 4'OW$teltip 11 (lord(, Range 10 West of the sixth Principal Meridian <br />118111county, tlebraska, and more particularly described as follows$ Cotronenciltg at the <br />Northwest corner of the NortTieast Quarter (etr,%I. of said section 35t thence rum$inq East <br />along the North lisle of the ttorthensl: y+tnrhnr. {Nt:4) of an.1A Section 35.n dlntn$tcs of 111.$$41 <br />Hundred Forty -Threo and RevQUty -Two hu$ud raft Off (941:721 fleet$ (Mattes deflacdino riigdredtlts <br />Ninety degrees no minutes {90°0(1 ) and rn»ni)lg South a distance of Forty <br />(40.00), feet to a point Ott the South Right of Ylny line of a County rioad, said point being <br />the actual poi$tt of beginning$ thdncce cont•.l.nuing South on il per.}+en <licular. to the <br />Soutt$ Right of Way pine of nnid cou$ity llond A dlntnnco of Van 'rhatinnud Two lltutArnA rtgl$t•y <br />Two and No ltu$tdredthn {1202.00) feet$ thence claflect.t.$$g I,er.t !!(linty Degrees and lit) ($!outer <br />(90 0 00 *) and rwming East a distances of Tbrr..n 1dnu.fretl '1'!t.(rty -Nl.nn and 8evpnty R1,911t <br />Hundredths (339.79). feet$ t(iettcs deflectistig left tlt.etety dr..grees Attd no minutes+ (9u UU') <br />and running Nort{t a distance of One Thousand 9vm lluntlrccl Rlyhty -Tarp and l$o lluudreclt'hn <br />11292.001, feet to the South Right Of Wily 1-Inn of'snid County ltonti$ thence deflecting left <br />1111tety degrees gild no minutes (900001). and runuL$g West 010119 the South )tight of Way of <br />said County rioad a distance of Three )hntdreed Thirty-H1,18 and <br />SAVenF.y -right llundredths <br />(339.181 feet to the actual point of beginni$ng.. <br />