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�r <br />04/1.9/2003 17:08 FAX 14024714429 NEBRASKA UCC IaO02 /002 <br />200311037 <br />DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE <br />NOTICE OF LIEN <br />FOR FINE AND /OR RESTITUTION <br />PURSUANT TO THE <br />ANTI - TERRORISM AND EFFECTIVE DEATH PENALTY ACT -OF 1996 <br />United States Attorneys Office <br />District of Nebraska <br />t:49 PM <br />NOTICE is herebygiven of alien against the property ofthe defendant named beloay. Pursuant to Title 18, United <br />States Code, Section 3613(c), a fine or an order of restitution imposed pursuant to the provisions of subchapter C of chapter 227 <br />is a lien in favor of the United States upon all property belonging to the person fined or ordered to pay restitution. Pursuant to <br />§ 3613(d), a notice of lien shall be considered a notice of lien for takes for the purposes of any State or local Iaw providing for <br />the filing of a tax lien. The lien arises at the time of the entry of judgment and continues until the liability is satisfied, remitted, <br />or set aside, or until it becomes unenforceable pursuant to §3613(b). <br />Name of Defendant: WILLIAM HEEVIBUCH <br />Social Security Number: 506 -92 -5855 <br />Residence: 617 West 5' Street <br />Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />Hall County <br />Amount of Fine/Restitution: $75,100.00 <br />Court Imposing Judgment: U.S. DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA <br />Court Number: 8:03CR210 <br />Date of Judgment: July 24, 2003 <br />Date of Entry of Judgment: July 25, 2003 <br />Rate of Interest if Applicable: 1.22% <br />If payment becomes past due, penalties totaling up to 25 percent of the principal amount past due may arise, 18 U.S.C. §3612(g). <br />EMPORTANT RELEASE INFORMATION —With respect to the lien listed above, this notice shall <br />operate as a certificate of release pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §3613(b) by operation of law, but no later than 20 years after release from <br />incarceration. <br />Place of Filing: Secretary of State's Office/UCC <br />P.O. Box 95104 <br />Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 <br />This notice was prepared and signed at Omaha, Nebraska on his ��day of August, 2003, <br />URIE M. BARRETT �.. <br />Assistant united States Attorney <br />1620 Dodge Street, Suite 1400 - <br />Omaha, Nebraska 68102 -1506 t <br />(402) 661 -3700 <br />