<br />AFFIDAVIT —`'
<br />I, Lee D. Wagner, being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says as follows, to wit:
<br />1. On this date, he is a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Nebraska, and is now Vice - President of
<br />Benjamin & Associates, Inc., Engineers and Surveyors, Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />2. Affiant further states that on August 13, 2003, he competed a survey of "OPP ESTATE SUBDIVISION ",
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, a plat thereof being on record at the Register of Deeds Office located in the Hall
<br />County Administration Building.
<br />3. Affiant further states that he has this date re- examined the plat of "OPP ESTATE SUBDIVISION ", and has
<br />discovered an error in the last two (2) lines of the "LEGAL DESCRIPTION" portion on the plat pertaining
<br />to a distance shown in written letter form and in parenthesis shown in numerical form.
<br />4. Affiant further states that the last two (2) lines of the "LEGAL DESCRIPTION" portion of the plat shall
<br />now read "deflecting right 89 °46'24" and running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southwest
<br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1 /4 SE1 /4), a distance of Four Hundred Eighty Five and Eight Tenths
<br />(485.80) feet to the point of beginning and containing 8.007 acres, more or less. ", in lieu of "deflecting right
<br />89 °46'24" and running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (SW 1/4 SE1 /4), a distance of Four Hundred Fifty Eight and Eight Tenths (458.80) feet to the point
<br />of beginning and containing 8.007 acres, more or less. ", being erroneous, null and void.
<br />Further Affiant Saith Not.
<br />Dated this 20th day of August, 2003.
<br />Lee D. Wagner, Registered
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<br />AFFIDAVIT —`'
<br />I, Lee D. Wagner, being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says as follows, to wit:
<br />1. On this date, he is a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Nebraska, and is now Vice - President of
<br />Benjamin & Associates, Inc., Engineers and Surveyors, Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />2. Affiant further states that on August 13, 2003, he competed a survey of "OPP ESTATE SUBDIVISION ",
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, a plat thereof being on record at the Register of Deeds Office located in the Hall
<br />County Administration Building.
<br />3. Affiant further states that he has this date re- examined the plat of "OPP ESTATE SUBDIVISION ", and has
<br />discovered an error in the last two (2) lines of the "LEGAL DESCRIPTION" portion on the plat pertaining
<br />to a distance shown in written letter form and in parenthesis shown in numerical form.
<br />4. Affiant further states that the last two (2) lines of the "LEGAL DESCRIPTION" portion of the plat shall
<br />now read "deflecting right 89 °46'24" and running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southwest
<br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1 /4 SE1 /4), a distance of Four Hundred Eighty Five and Eight Tenths
<br />(485.80) feet to the point of beginning and containing 8.007 acres, more or less. ", in lieu of "deflecting right
<br />89 °46'24" and running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (SW 1/4 SE1 /4), a distance of Four Hundred Fifty Eight and Eight Tenths (458.80) feet to the point
<br />of beginning and containing 8.007 acres, more or less. ", being erroneous, null and void.
<br />Further Affiant Saith Not.
<br />Dated this 20th day of August, 2003.
<br />Lee D. Wagner, Registered
<br />E
<br />r C;
<br />ES -557
<br />557
<br />