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EXH BIT "A" 200310935 <br />A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter (SEl /4) of Section Six (6), Township Twelve (12) North, <br />Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M, Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said quarter section at the concrete ROW marker and proceeding <br />parallel to the westerly section line a distance $36.25 Feet, thence turning 89" 35' clockwise and <br />proceeding 454.00 Feet; thence turning 44" OS' clockwise and proceeding 144.91 feet; thence turning 8" <br />05' counterclockwise and proceeding 147.17 feet; thence turning 4" 40' counter- clockwise and proceeding <br />153.58 feet; thence turning. 7" 20' counter - clockwise and proceeding 154.17 feet; thence turning 69" 40' <br />clockwise and proceeding 209.72 feet; thence turning 861' 35" clockwise and proceeding 93825 feet to the <br />concrete ROW marker; thence turning 89" SO" clockwise to the point of beginning <br />