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onof wrf types ovit a e. i np PUrPaiR On Y. FOPM 50n tl30031 <br />ki en✓ <br />RETURN TO Farm Credit Services of America, P.O. Box 5080 Kelly J. Lanners <br />PREPARER: Grand Island, HE 68802 -5080 180015033276 <br />HOMESTEAD DESIGNATION WAIVER <br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebreska Farm Homestead Protection Act, Neb. Rev. Stou Sections 76 -1901, et. sec., as a preface to the <br />execution, and as a part of the following Trust Deed, the undersigned Trustorlsl being first duly sworn, elects to Waive the Right to Designate a <br />Hemestoad. <br />IfWe understand that Ilwo have the right to make a designation of homestead in the following Trust Deed. The execution of this Waiver constitutes <br />a waiver of rights otherwise available to melons far the purpose of affording me/us the opportunity to retain mylour homestead in the event of a <br />default upon the Trust Deed. <br />Farm Credit Services of America <br />TRUST DET ?CM 19 l&W AGREII7fNt <br />Trustorlsl: <br />WILLIAM W BURDETT and JEANNIENE S BURDETT, husband and wife <br />Mailing Address: <br />1147 THIRD AVE <br />DANNEBROG NE 68831 -3529 <br />this <br />and <br />It and <br />ocated <br />6, Conveys and magna to <br />under and subject to the <br />as follows: <br />A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter (SE114) of Section Six 16), <br />Township Twleve (12) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner <br />of said quarter section at the concrete ROW marker and proceeding parallel to the <br />westerly section line a distance 536.25 Feet, thence turning 89" 35' clockwise and <br />proceeding 454.00 Feet; thence turning 44" 05' clockwise and proceeding 144.91 feet; <br />thence turning B" 05' counter - clockwise and proceeding 147.17 feet; thence turning <br />4" 40' counter- clockwise and proceeding 153.58 feet; thence turning 7" 20' <br />counter - clockwise and proceeding 154.17 feet; thence turning 69" 40' clockwise and <br />proceeding 209.72 feet; thence turning 86" 35' clockwise and proceeding 938.25 feet <br />to the concrete ROW marker; thence turning 89" 50' clockwise to the <br />point of beginning <br />Pursuant to the provisions of the Nebraska Construction Lien Act, NEB. REV. STAT. <br />Sections 52-125 at seq., this Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents constitutes a <br />Construction Security Agreement which secures an obligation which the debtorltrustor <br />stated herein incurred for the purpose of making an Improvement of the real estate <br />secured hereby. The security interest given by Truster herewith is a Construction <br />Security Interest. <br />It is understood and agmed between Trustorlsl and Beneficiary that this Trust Deed is given to secure the repayment in full of the following described <br />promissory nmelsh and all future and additional loans or so advances, <br />them, a'ny purpose, plus interest the eon, made <br />ell payable according its <br />to thelterms or of hegnote o or other In torumentlsl modifying athe sane. y <br />Data of Note EqM nt <br />Ap #: 00317601; Primary Customer ID N: 00010058; CIF #: 66270 Legal Doc. Date: August i6, 2003 <br />FORM 5011. Trust Deetl antl Assignment of Rents Page 1 <br />M <br />m <br />M <br />Z <br />n <br />_ <br />x <br />n o <br />< <br />° <br />R <br />cn <br />I <br />ca <br />W <br />� <br />3 <br />200310934 <br />o <br />onof wrf types ovit a e. i np PUrPaiR On Y. FOPM 50n tl30031 <br />ki en✓ <br />RETURN TO Farm Credit Services of America, P.O. Box 5080 Kelly J. Lanners <br />PREPARER: Grand Island, HE 68802 -5080 180015033276 <br />HOMESTEAD DESIGNATION WAIVER <br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebreska Farm Homestead Protection Act, Neb. Rev. Stou Sections 76 -1901, et. sec., as a preface to the <br />execution, and as a part of the following Trust Deed, the undersigned Trustorlsl being first duly sworn, elects to Waive the Right to Designate a <br />Hemestoad. <br />IfWe understand that Ilwo have the right to make a designation of homestead in the following Trust Deed. The execution of this Waiver constitutes <br />a waiver of rights otherwise available to melons far the purpose of affording me/us the opportunity to retain mylour homestead in the event of a <br />default upon the Trust Deed. <br />Farm Credit Services of America <br />TRUST DET ?CM 19 l&W AGREII7fNt <br />Trustorlsl: <br />WILLIAM W BURDETT and JEANNIENE S BURDETT, husband and wife <br />Mailing Address: <br />1147 THIRD AVE <br />DANNEBROG NE 68831 -3529 <br />this <br />and <br />It and <br />ocated <br />6, Conveys and magna to <br />under and subject to the <br />as follows: <br />A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter (SE114) of Section Six 16), <br />Township Twleve (12) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner <br />of said quarter section at the concrete ROW marker and proceeding parallel to the <br />westerly section line a distance 536.25 Feet, thence turning 89" 35' clockwise and <br />proceeding 454.00 Feet; thence turning 44" 05' clockwise and proceeding 144.91 feet; <br />thence turning B" 05' counter - clockwise and proceeding 147.17 feet; thence turning <br />4" 40' counter- clockwise and proceeding 153.58 feet; thence turning 7" 20' <br />counter - clockwise and proceeding 154.17 feet; thence turning 69" 40' clockwise and <br />proceeding 209.72 feet; thence turning 86" 35' clockwise and proceeding 938.25 feet <br />to the concrete ROW marker; thence turning 89" 50' clockwise to the <br />point of beginning <br />Pursuant to the provisions of the Nebraska Construction Lien Act, NEB. REV. STAT. <br />Sections 52-125 at seq., this Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents constitutes a <br />Construction Security Agreement which secures an obligation which the debtorltrustor <br />stated herein incurred for the purpose of making an Improvement of the real estate <br />secured hereby. The security interest given by Truster herewith is a Construction <br />Security Interest. <br />It is understood and agmed between Trustorlsl and Beneficiary that this Trust Deed is given to secure the repayment in full of the following described <br />promissory nmelsh and all future and additional loans or so advances, <br />them, a'ny purpose, plus interest the eon, made <br />ell payable according its <br />to thelterms or of hegnote o or other In torumentlsl modifying athe sane. y <br />Data of Note EqM nt <br />Ap #: 00317601; Primary Customer ID N: 00010058; CIF #: 66270 Legal Doc. Date: August i6, 2003 <br />FORM 5011. Trust Deetl antl Assignment of Rents Page 1 <br />