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:.: -s =iJf i�tltl/ mss^ �•u r - _ rt r' - '_ _- -. ___.= '... --r. <br />Man <br />. .. .� �..r 1�.�. v..•..•1 .I .NlJll U.1. 1'uJll.rwl Il• .:.._, <br />Exhibit "A' <br />200208496 200310804- <br />9g" loam <br />Part of Lot.1 i>u lac 38. Charles Waxwer's Addition to the City of Grand <br />Islands Hall Coun y, ebraska, and its complemont in Lot 1 in Block 3 in <br />Windolph's Addition I described an: Commencing at the point 66 Feet North of <br />the Sauthtaat corner 4f Lot 1, Block 3, in Windolph's Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall Cc nty, Nebraska being the actual point of begismin� - <br />thenter Northerly Ion *ad upon the Easterly lino of said Lot 19 Block 3,- <br />Windolph's Addido , nd the easterly line of Lot 1, Block 38 in Charles <br />Wasttter's Addi lion to he Northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block• 3$; � Charles <br />Wasmer'11. Addition, th Ace Westerly along and upon the Worthtrly •lime of said <br />Lot 1, Block 36 of Ch Plan Wasner's Addition, 54 feet more or less, to the t <br />Northwese corner o s Id Lot 1, Block 38, Charles Ws}3ner's Addition, thence 1 <br />Soutbarl3► along a u on the Westerly line or said Lot 1, Block 38, Charles <br />Waswer'�s Addition, a 4iatance of 66 feet. thence Easterly parallel to the <br />Northr..rly line of ai Lot 1, Block 38, ChRrles Washer's Additlou, a distanet <br />of 54 . s4at more of leas to the actual point of begintttttg. <br />i <br />� t <br />0 <br />(s r <br />TOTAL P.02 <br />