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200310783 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />An undivided one -half interest in and to a part of Lot Thirteen 0 3), County Subdivision <br />of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W % SW '/) of Section Fifteen (15), <br />Township Eleven 01) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6`J' P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Begim7ing at a point on the South line <br />of Charles Street, 363 feet East of the East line of Locust Street; thence East 54 feet along <br />the South line of Charles Street; thence South at right angles 65 feet to the South line of <br />said Lot 13; thence West on the South line of Lot 13, 54 feet; thence North at right angles <br />65 feet to the place of begirming, being a rectangular tract of ground having a North <br />frontage of 54 feet on Charles Street and a depth of 65 feet. <br />ti; <br />