<br />200310781 ADDITIONAL TERMS
<br />PRETAYNIF:NT AND ACCRUM. OF THE' FINANCE CHARGE: Even though I do not have to pay more than the regular scheduled monthly p «lntrnt. I have
<br />the rwhl to prepay Cite who!c amount owing to you in full at any time or in pan from time to time. If I make a partial prepayment, l must continue to make my
<br />re��ular pa., nicnf,, until I have paid all nnuarnts owed. I know that the finance charge will be computed daily, so it will be less if I make an early payment and higher
<br />it l pay laic. The anunmts .,how's uo page 2 for the Finance Charge. •roial of Payments and th(• 7ol ll Sale price are based on the assumption that you will receive
<br />C.101 ( +f the payments exactly On its dire date. I know that there will !te no rcl :md of Finance- Cn.,Tgit, if 1 prepay. becau%e the Finance Charge is calculated on a
<br />trnple mieie,t basi, I al,++ undcr,tarld that nn iefurtd of Litt amount ti", than S! .10 will be mad,:, -it ta ti; it 1 may be charged a minimum Finance Charge of $10.00.
<br />RETURNED CHECK CIIARGE: I will he charged 515.00 tin- any Check I giv:-, you which Iy tetu(rv. (t unpaid by the bank or other fiancial institution,
<br />SPECIAL -ORDER GOODS: t knuw that you have rncaxucd nay house and its openings sir that you can make the Products to fit my particular house and that the
<br />xis prnhubly will not tit an% other houses, so 1 know that I cann(n cancel this Contract at anv time alter the period of time given to me by law in which to cancel.
<br />After that leg;tl period of iimc, I know th;tt I I;ave the obli�,,ation To pay )ou in full the amount owed t . 4,
<br />C'MINIENCENTI-NT OF THE FINANCE CIiAP.GE: Thu finafiec charge t+, (estimated to smut within 31) days of the date of this Contract, except in the event that
<br />sou cr.niplcte the ir,sr!dlation of the gouts :;lid servitc . On arunhel d:ue, then the finance charge will twin to run on the date that 1 sign the Completion Certificate.
<br />The a ununt (,1 Im:encC ";,trSe lnay he rtrnrr or kc ,; th :ul the anu,ur,t dl,cfosed depending on the amounts I nay you and my timeliness in making payments.
<br />DF:FALILI: I will hC ,n del :;tilt 0IIJCr this C'unuact ,t. 1. 1 (can't n,ant a payment when due: or 2. 1 break any promise 1 made to you in this Contract.
<br />COLLECTION (J)STS: It I am In JCfa(rlr under till!, Con,r -,im and NOU hire an anorney who is not One of your regular salaried employees to assist you in collecting
<br />the anlOunt I owc, 1 :1 rcc In pail sou for our ren <nn;,bic attotncv', fees :ts well as any other related expenses such as court costs, title searches and amounts you
<br />expend to protect your sCCU :ity. it you are a!i( wed to colic t >u:h anuwnis by law.
<br />DEL T,N'S: I krernv that coil will u,C v0ur hest ,,f forts to install the PrndLICIS I am purchasing on my house, but i also understand that in some situations you may
<br />enc v :inter delays that ;ter gaoled ht strikes, weather ; (Wditions, delays You have in oblainine materials, or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I will not
<br />iloi,l �uli li::hi_ tu, ,u:!; dcLt%';.
<br />Ii1� :Q111'_ti "1- FOR hl i,l- 1,.ky.•11•:1'1-: If I run in dt,-ki lh urnler this Contract, ynu can declu :c all that I then owe You under this Contract payable it once. I agree to
<br />pay y.n; :nlelC,f (.)It Ihdl amount ;:I Pile Annual Pr'rCC],I :I C hate ,hewn cm page 2 until the amount 1 Owe you is paid.
<br />SALVAGE VALUE: I kl:�.+.v th:lt the window,, •'nua curl , :idinr , brick and other materials that have to he renuived by you for This installation have NO salvage
<br />;lire. W11cn WILL ren„r,e ;teen,, y(nt r,a! dispo,r +,f dlCtr.
<br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: !)the t, the uniquenCS% o: Borne of the Products that you sell, I understand that in special situations your Regional Office inay have to review
<br />ar,d approve ihi, Contra :t. I ;Ii tr undCr,la „d that It,i, s.L 1,ccurred in my home and that you ;ind I may not havL,`had all the correct information important to this
<br />t: alhacll,n .11 oul” !mgcrtip�,: I :;lye _SOU my :ollsenl TO curre:t any otl%lou, Criois that inav ha %e occarYCd tvhCn the blanks in this Contract were completed.
<br />INVALID PROP ISIO`S: If :m, nroci,nr,; tit this C:owfac: ciolatC, the law and is anenfoiceablc the rest of the Contract will be solid. It any part of this Contract
<br />;c lour, n.l u;ur,I o: MOIC [gnome Lh,r�!c Than the tai nernun. th,n you will unly have the right to collect front me the amount of finance charge which the law
<br />all „w, kou to
<br />NOTICE
<br />I N'S IIRAN('1 :: CtAN(A -,L1.A ION: It I h;nC nruuC,ted inat:r;:ncc in Ihi, Irurchase. I may Cancel such re(lucst ti >r insurance for any rea,nn w giblet fitlecn (IS) days from
<br />the d :r;C ()f Ii,i, C'on0act h nu if,.n : yo : of the hind., of thi. Contra,a in \iiiftrlg. I knw.v that the cancellation of n)y coverage will he arranged with the insurance
<br />LJIIIVt!,I .(n.l . toll rCfund tit Itty p;cn,iun,(s) Io,-Ctinn .ells applicable Boone charge will be credited to tills Contract.
<br />I'1.F:ASE N01 1": 11' 1 hose rc(.luC.,ted In,ttr :u,ce in II:I, purchase. I gill receive within thirty ( 30) days a certiClC:tte of fllnurance more titlly describing. the insurance
<br />I kr,0,v th,11 it direr 11 :toy conflict of the :utrragC or the language of the certilic :ire 0l . insurance and the tolluwinr. Notice of Propured Insurance that I
<br />CW.Cre,1 In:!c Iii the' ;,tent ,tate(i in the tuilowut_, :\'mice of Piopned Insurance. 1 also know that 1 have insurance cmerafac only it I halve been Charged for it.
<br />In Iltr toll c of uu :e (; Pl(Tole(! In,ur :; n e 111v whirl, "vuu' :rid "vout•., reters to the Buyer /Insured and the word we refers to the Insurance Provider.
<br />Credit lift; :,ndr,d r (;Cell[ aC:idCnl and hCaltit in,urnnrC will he :tppli(:ahle to this lnstallntcnt Sales Conur.tCt, only if you have chosen insurance b signing, the
<br />1e;!ue•.I It se, (' :Ietral ~tales f isalts I.itc Co. (:l on;aha WSOI agree to insure. you, a policy or ceititicme which more fully describes the benefits and
<br />li t :ita :hilt, 1k, iii hu ,Colt , -(Iu w tthin .ill da,., 11 to don't in,urC ynu, you Will be SC III a rCfund or credit on your acCOM11 of your premium.
<br />tiuhl;:cl I,) the in,ur.:ncC krill heconlC Cilccti�e a:, of Iola% and will continue only fur the number of months equal to the number of
<br />nuunhi: I ,ly!urut, 1'ou tutdc•r,t.Ind 111:11 tLis iflsul,tlicC Iliac not provide covcragc fi,r your lust fcw payments, and I11,11 duru:g that period of time, you will not
<br />h. e anj ul,ur :ln :,'+ :uccrt�,c•.'I hC ilnurancc: I`rr :,,n: hrncidcd n,:tv Contain a IIIaIkilntlltl alrluunt Ofcuveratte which will not pay In ,lime Cases the entire anlotntl
<br />ti,ai gnu +(•. 1 hl• tn.ur.!nrC lit :tv nut Li',[ the hail ICmah lit your loan. 1101 nuty it be cnow!h to completely pay off t -.,tu- I(utr. The amount and type of insur-
<br />ance t. sac L upphcd tar i, ,l, l 11 nn vuu: l :;r.rtlllnCnt Sale, Cwltlacl. The following cxc!us:ions aid limilatiorls apply:
<br />Fligibility Requirements: To tie eligll,IC for the Coverage, your age can't be more than 05' years as of today, TO be CiWnblc for disability coverage, you must
<br />be w ur :n_t :n Ira,t .,u hour, ;( week as of !oche. ()nly the primary borrower is eligible l01 disability coverage. Life Cnyeruke: 'Ihe amount of life insurance is
<br />,hOwn tin %otn In'.t ::ILnert Sales Contrac•I Oilk nee death benefit is payable if you applied tier joint lire coverage. Life Exclusions: We wont pay any claim
<br />Ii \ uu :,: ,,I:ut IHIL: le ur attempt to coTI)IiIII ,uici(;c v. Ill sane ur insane, within Id moulhs Of when the insitraIICe i, eIIVCtiye, but We will refund the life
<br />In,ur :lace premium. This also apphcs u, your c0- h0uc,wcr if ynu applied toi joint life coverage. Disability Coverage: Benefit, are payable atter you have been
<br />u +falls disahl.d for 1.4 d: ,,> or more. Benoit, ;:re then Palid re :reactive trom 'h: first day of disability. Disability Exclusions: We won't pay a claim if your
<br />duahihty I, :I tc,,tlt 1 I: ai nnrn,nl prren;u,cv or childhirti,: h) in intentionally selt- inflicted injury: or C) alcoholism or drug addiction: d) nerYnus or' mental
<br />dlsurdcr. m C) ;i pre- er.istin,, con,-Iiunn.
<br />Offered and underwritten by
<br />Central .tit;ue, lica!th & Lite Co. tit Omaha .. 'ihth 4 western — P. O. Rix 34350 — Oimiha. N1: 6,4131.11350
<br />