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200310637 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W1 /2SW1/4) of Section <br />Five (5), Township Nine (9) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, said <br />tract being more particularly described as follows: <br />With reference to the Southwest corner of said W1 /2SW1 /4; thence running on an assumed bearing of <br />S 89° 53' 471 E on the South line of said W1/2 SWI /4 as it is now monumented, for a distance of 539.61 <br />feet; thence N 000 02' 14" W for 198 feet to a .point on the South line of said W1 /2SW1 /4 as it was <br />formerly monumented; thence N 00° 02' 14" W for 50.00 feet to a point on the North right of way line of <br />U.S. Highway #281 as formerly monumented, said point being the ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING; <br />thence continuing N 00° 02' 14" W for 525.77 feet; thence N 89° 57' 24" E for 146.92 feet; thence S 08° 18' <br />53" W for 32335 feet; thence N 890 561220 E for 118.84 feet; thence S 00° 01' 07" E for 205.65 feet to a point <br />on the North line of said highway right of way, thence S 89° 53" 36" W on said highway right of way for <br />218.73 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING <br />AND <br />A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4SW1 /4) of Section 5, <br />Township 9 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, said tract being a portion of <br />the area labeled "NOT A PART" on the Subdivision plat of BISON MEADOWS, an addition to the <br />Village of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska, said tract being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the South line of Walnut Street at the Northwest corner of BISON <br />MEADOWS SUBDIVISION TWO; thence running on an assumed bearing of S 18 Degrees 20' 44" E on <br />the West line of said BISON MEADOWS SUBDIVISION TWO for 18156 Feet to the Northwest corner <br />of DAN HERR ADDITION to the Village of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska; thence S 00 Degrees 13' <br />31" E on the West line of said DAN HERR ADDITION for 359.61 feet to the Southwest corner of said <br />DAN HERR ADDITION; thence S 89 Degrees 46' 15" W on the South line of said area labeled "NOT A <br />PART for 289.00 Feet; thence N 13 Degrees 38' 22" E on the West line of said area labeled "NOT A <br />PART for 547.91 Feet to the point of intersection with the extension of the South line of said Walnut <br />Street; thence N 89 Degrees 38' 16" E on the South line of the extension of Walnut Street to the POINT <br />OF BEGINNING <br />
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