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w G <br />J �t <br />200310499 <br />A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />(3E1/4 SW1/4) of Section fourteen (14), Township Eleesn (11) North, Ronne <br />Ten (101_-West-of the 6th P.M., Rail County, Nebraska, score partiewlartly <br />= described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southeast <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE1 /4 SW1 /4) of Section 14; thence N 0 <br />Degree 56' E along the Viet line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter (SE1 /4 SWl /4) of said Section 14, a distance of rout Hundred Nine <br />(409.00) feet; thence S 89 Degrees 11' 30" E a distance of Two Hundred <br />Seventh Pour and Thirty your Hundredths (274.34) feet; thence due South a <br />distance of four Hundred Nine (409.00) feet to the South line of the <br />Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEL /4 SWi/4) of said Section <br />14; thence N 89 Degrees 12' W a distance of Two Hundred Eighty One (281.00) <br />Feet to the point of beginning. <br />