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200309096 <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />State Of Nebraska ss <br />County Of Hall <br />On Me—LLI�41—doy of J,,< 2003, before me <br />a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared ZACH MADER, <br />Secretary Treasurer of JZM INC., a Nebraska Corporation, to me personally known <br />to be the identical person whose signature is affixed hereto, and that he did <br />acknowledge the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed and the <br />voluntary act and deed of said Corporation, and that he was empowered to make <br />the above dedication for and in behalf of said Corporation. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, l have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my <br />official seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, on the dote lost above written. <br />My commission expires Fb Z0.4 <br />i worpar 1 o ary Fubfi# <br />� ��COMMISSION f/ Yf <br />�waes <br />•�lgfE0 NEBRT P <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br />I hereby certify that on June 8, 2003, I completed an accurate survey of JZM <br />SUBDIVISION, Hall County, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat /hereof; <br />that the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and other grounds <br />as contained in said subdivision as shown on the accompanying plat thereof are <br />well and accurately staked off and marked; that iron markers were placed at all <br />lot corners; that the dimensions of each lot are as shown on the plat, • that each <br />lot bears its own number, and that said survey was mode with reference to <br />known and recorded monuments. <br />Eg R AS ._ <br />2' .o�tTfA�'p T n T <br />o Deryl D. i Soorrg.S l frei, Reg. L nd Surveyor No. 578 <br />au`°�'c� <br />-SO <br />APPROVALS <br />Submitted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hall <br />County, Grand Island, Wood River and the Villages of Aldo, Cairo and Doniphan, <br />Nebraska. <br />Chairman G Dote <br />Approved nd accepted by the Hall County Board of Supervisors this-2,;C- <br />day of 2003. <br />/ Chairman 0 Boar h d -County Clerk <br />(Seal �`` coc <br />yf8N A9'6•�' <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A tract of land comprising o part of the Southeast Quarter (SE114), of Section <br />Twenty Four (24), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th <br />P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE114); thence <br />running easterly along the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE114), on an <br />Assumed Bearing of N90'0000 "E, a distance of Fifty Five (55.00) feet; thence <br />running N00'02 21 "W, a distance of Forty (40.00) feet, to a point on the <br />northerly right of way line of While Cloud Road, and to the ACTUAL point of <br />beginning, thence continuing northerly along the last described course, a distance <br />of One Hundred Eighty and Nine Hundredths (180.09) feet; thence running <br />N68'14 03 E a distance of Eight Hundred Eighty Five and Forty Nine Hundredths <br />(885.49) feet, thence running N00'1859 "W, a distance of Three Hundred Thirty <br />Eight and Thirty Four Hundredths (338.34) feet; thence running N18'15 02 T,, a <br />distance of Three Hundred Eighty Three and Fifty Two Hundredths (383.52) feet,• <br />thence running S8705'41 E a distance of Four Hundred Fifty Four and Fitly Six <br />Hundredths (454.56) feet; thence running 507'45 03 "W, a distance of Two <br />Hundred Four and Sixty Six Hundredths (204.66) feet, • thence running <br />N88'19 30 E,, a distance of One Thousand One Hundred Forty and Eighteen <br />Hundredths (1140.18) feet, to a point on the westerly right of way line of Webb <br />Road, • thence running SO1'5523 £ along the westerly right of way line of Webb <br />Road, a distance of Twenty Two and Three Hundredths (2203) feet- thence <br />running S89'0138 "W, a distance of Five Hundred Fifty Two and Seventeen <br />Hundredths (552.17) feet; thence running S8649 35 "W, a distance of Five <br />Hundred Eighty Two and Eighty One Hundredths (582.81) feet, • thence running <br />S00'0003 "W, a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety Four and Eighty Four Hundredths <br />(994.84) feel, to a point on the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE114); <br />thence running N90'00'00W, along the south line of said Southeast Quarter <br />(5[114), a distance of Eight Hundred Eight and Ninety Two Hundredths (808.92) <br />feel, • thence running N00'0221 "W, a distance of Forty (40.00) feet, to a point on <br />the northerly right of way line of White Cloud Road, • thence running N90'00'00 "W <br />along the northerly right of way line of While Cloud Road, a distance of Five <br />Hundred Sixty Four and Thirty One Hundredths (564.31) feet, to the ACTUAL point <br />of beginning and containing 22.549 acres more or less. <br />DEDICATION <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that JZM, INC., a Nebraska Corporation, <br />being the owner of the land described hereon, has caused some to be surveyed, <br />subdivided, plotted and designated as JZM SUBDIVISION, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />as shown on the accompanying plat thereof, and do hereby dedicate the road i <br />right of way as shown thereon to the public for their use forever, and the <br />easements, if any, as shown /hereon for the location, construction and <br />maintenance of public service utilities forever, together with the right of ingress <br />and egress thereto, and hereby prohibiting the planting of trees, bushes and <br />shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface <br />of such easements; and that the foregoing subdivision as more particularly <br />described in the description hereon as appears on this plat is made with the <br />free consent and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owner and <br />proprietor. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my signature hereto at Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, this Oil day of — /-, , 2003. <br />JZM INC., a Nebraska Corporation <br />Zach ader, Secretary Treasurer <br />JZM SUBDIVISION- <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />ROCKWELL AND ASSOC. - ENGINEERING k SURVEYING - GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA Shoe/ No. 2 Of 2 <br />