Laserfiche WebLink
PARCEL 1: 2303 W. Capital <br />PARCEL 2: 2309 M. Capital <br />PARCEL 3: 2416 N. Kruse <br />PARCEL 4: 2418 N. Kruse: <br />PARCEL 5: 531 Kennedy: <br />204508829 <br />Lot One (1) and the Westerly 66 feet of the. <br />Northerly 38.4 feet of Lot Three (3 ), Block Six (6), <br />College Addition to West Lawn, City of Grand <br />Island, Ball County, Nebraska AND The Easterly <br />66 feet of the Northerly 38.4 feet of Lot Three (31), <br />Blocl: <br />