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200508650 <br />SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDERS USE <br />INTER VIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST RIDER <br />L.oanNumber 05- 035270 <br />DEFINITIONS USED IN THIS RIDER. <br />(A) "Revocable Trust." GREGORY D GEWECKE, TRUSTEE OF THE GREGORY D. <br />GEWECKE LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST AND JEANINE R. GEWECI<E, TRUSTEE OF THE <br />JEANINE R. GEWECKE LIVING" REVOCABLE TRUST, AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST <br />(B) "Revocable Trust Trustee(s)." JEANINE R GEWECKE AND GREGORY D <br />GEWECKE <br />trustee(s) of the Revocable Trust. <br />(C) "Revocable Trust Settlor(s)." JEANINE R GEWECKE AND GREGORY D GEWECKE <br />0 <br />settlor(s) of the Revocable Trust. <br />(D) "Lender," HERITAGE BANK, A NEBRASKA BANKING CORPORATION <br />(E) "Security Instrument." The Deed of Trust and any riders thereto of the same date as the Rider given <br />to secure the Note to the Lender of the same date made by the Revocable Trust, the Revocable Trust <br />Trustee(s) and the Revocable Trust Settlor(s) and any other natural persons signing such Note and covering <br />the Property (as defined below). <br />(F) "Property." The property described in the Security Instrument and located au <br />8100 W WILDWOOD DR ALDA NEBRASKA 68810 <br />[Property Address] <br />THIS INTER VIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST RIDER is made this 15th day of <br />AUGUST , 2 0 0 5 , and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend <br />and supplement the Security Instrument. <br />INTER VIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST RIDER <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />5 R .b <br />DOCMagk 600- 649 -1362 <br />WWW. docmagic. com <br />