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1 1 ": 1 <br />This Rider Amends The Loan Agreement /Promissory Note Entered Into On Date Below <br />Agreed Rate Reduction Rider <br />Borrower(s) (Name and mailing address) <br />Lender (Name, address, city and state) <br />Account No. <br />CITIFINANCIAL, INC. (MD) <br />206052 <br />AMANDA JURGENS <br />515 N VINE <br />2014 N LAWRENCE LANE <br />Date of Loan <br />GRAND ISLAND NE 68801 <br />GRAND ISLAND NE 68803 <br />08/31/2005 <br />Borrower has agreed to pay the rate of interest set forth in the Note (the "Note Rate ") until the full amount of principal has <br />been paid. However, if on any one of the second, third or fourth anniversaries of the scheduled due date of the first full <br />installment payment due date under the Note (each, an "Anniversary Date ") Borrower has demonstrated a Good Payment <br />History, Lender agrees to decrease the Note Rate to __ _10.16___ %. Borrower will be deemed to have demonstrated a <br />"Good Payment History" if Borrower: (a) has made each of the most recent 24 consecutive monthly payments under the <br />Note before the date the next payment was due; (b) has never been late by 91 days or more in making any monthly <br />payments due under the Note; (c) neither Borrower nor Co- Borrower has filed petitions in bankruptcy during the term of <br />the loan; and (d) no provision of the Note has been modified prior to the Anniversary Date. Modifications to the Note <br />include deferment of a scheduled payment, legal action with respect to enforcement of the Note or the Mortgage, and an <br />adjustment of the loan terms. If Borrower demonstrates a Good Payment History, the new Note Rate will take effect one <br />month after the earliest Anniversary Date on which Borrower has demonstrated a Good Payment History ( "Rate Reduction <br />Date "). Beginning with Borrower's first monthly payment after the Rate Reduction Date, Borrower will pay the new <br />amount as the monthly payment until the Maturity Date. Lender will decrease Borrower's Note Rate only one time during <br />the term of the loan, provided Borrower demonstrates a Good Payment History on any one of the second, third, or fourth <br />Anniversary Dates. <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and provisions contained in this Agreed Rate Reduction <br />Rider. <br />— �2L �"/,( - <br />Boi Foer <br />6 - 6s- <br />Date <br />Co- Borrower <br />Date <br />Mew /Renewal) <br />21101 -5 10/2003 Original (Branch) Copy (Customer) <br />