<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (WI /2 NEI /4) of Section Twenty Two (22),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.N., In the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and
<br />-
<br />more particularly described as foliows: City
<br />Nebraska, said point being eOneu line of (140.0))feet weal of he Thirteenth
<br />southneast corners of iLotth7 n s(10), sold Pleasant
<br />View Thirteenth Subdivision; thence N90'06'GO'E, along and upon the south line of Lots Hine (9) and Ten (10), said
<br />Pleos ini View Thirteenth Subdivislon and Its W
<br />eosterlrr prolongation, a distance of Two Hundred (200.0) feet to a point on
<br />the east ]ins of Sun Valley Drive; thence N00'03'03, along and upon the east line of sold Sun Valley Drive, a distance
<br />of Sixteen and Four Tenhe (16.40) feet to the southwest carrier of Lot Eleven (11), said Pleasant View Thirteenth Subdivision;
<br />thence N89'58'23 "E, along and upon the south line of Lot Eleven (11), said Pleasant Ylew Thirteenth Subdivision, a
<br />distance of One Hundred Twenty Six and Eighty Sewn Hundredths (126.87) feet to the southeast corner of Lot Eleven (11),
<br />mid Pleoeant Haw Thirteenth Subdivision, sold point aim being on the met line of sold West Half of the Northeast Quarter
<br />(WS /2 NE1 /4), said point also bsInjL the southwest corner of Lot Twat" (12), Fonner New Subdivision in the City of Grand
<br />, Nebraska; thence SOO'04'16 E, along and upon the east line of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W112
<br />KI /4), and also being along and upon the west line of mid fanner Vtow Subdivision, a dlslance of Five Hundred Sixty
<br />and Thirty Five Hundredths (560.35) feet to the southwest comer of Lot Eighteen (i6), said Former New Subdivision, sold
<br />paint being Eighty (80.0) feel north of (measured perpendicular to) the south line of said West Half of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (W1 /2 NEl /4), thence Moir 16'OI "W, paral lot with and Eighty (60.0) feed north of (measured pperpsndloular to)
<br />the south sine of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter (WI/2 NE1 /4), a distance of One Hundred Flffy 150.0) feet;
<br />thence N00'04'16 "W, parallel with the east line of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W1 /2 NEt /4I, and also
<br />bring parallel with the west line of said Fonner View Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred Twenty Four and Ninety
<br />Four Hundredths (124.94) feet to a point an the westerly prolongalon of the south line of Nebraska Avenue; thence
<br />1489'16'24 "W, along and upon the westerly prolonyalien of the south line of cold Nebraska Avenue, a distance One
<br />Hundred Seventy Seven and Five Hundredths [177.08) feet; thence N00.03'03'W, parallel with the soutbor
<br />prolongation of said Sun Valley Drive, a distance of Four Hundred Fourteen and Seventy Ndne Hundredths (414.79
<br />feet to the point of beginning and containing 3.607 acres, more or less.
<br />I hereby certify that on Mr1 L/ /� 2005, 1 completed an accurate survey (made under my supervision
<br />of "PLEASANT VIEW FOURTEENTH SU NSION" In the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown an the accompanying plat thereof
<br />that the sots, blacks, air@*%, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and other grounds as contained In said subdivision as shown an
<br />the accompanying plat thereof, are well and accurately staked off and marked; that iron markers were placed at all comers
<br />as shown on the plot; that each fat boors He own number, and that sold survey was made w" reference to known and
<br />recorded monuments. _
<br />Idoo RAs
<br />t4
<br />Lee D. Wagner. Regisisred Land SurmroaoN . 557
<br />4 +rrV
<br />DEDICATION 200508237
<br />the owner of the land described hereon, have caused some to be surveyed, subdivided, platted and designated as "PLEASANT
<br />VIEW FOURTEENTH SUBDIVISION' In the City of Grand island, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat thereof, and do
<br />hereby dedicate the streets as shown hereon to the public for their use forever, and the easements as shown hereon for the
<br />location, construction and maintenance of public service utilities forever, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto,
<br />and hereby prohibiting the planting of trees, bushes and shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath
<br />the surface of such easements, and that the foregoing subdivision as more partle0oriy described In the description hereon as
<br />appears on this plat, is made whh the free consent and In accordance with the desires of the undersigned owner and
<br />proprietor.
<br />zwo IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my signature hereto of 9AsT s Nebraska, this
<br />day of MAII , 2005.
<br />a Nebraska Corporation
<br />sir 1 L. a
<br />anSkiver, Prosident
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />County of A 6 Ali s
<br />On the ;L of �fA RY 2005, before me, N • CYf�e
<br />a Notary Public within and for ld County, perwnally approved Greg J. VanSkiver, President of GNR DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF
<br />HASTINGS, NEBRASKA, a Nebraska Corporafon, to me personoiy known to be the president of said Nebraska Corporation. and
<br />the identical person whose signature is affixed hereto, and that he did acknowledge the execution (hereof to be hk voluntary
<br />act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and deed of said Nebraska Corporatiorti and that he was empowered to
<br />make the above dedication for and In behalf of said Nebraska Corporation.
<br />1k WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seat at 9&yr /,✓A3
<br />Nebraska, on the date last above written.
<br />My commission expires M" f r'I rA lop
<br />f / /
<br />Submitted to and approved by the Regloml Planning
<br />Villages of Aldo, Calm and Donlphan, Nebraska.
<br />Chairman
<br />(SEAL)
<br />S.�T6V1 N�1r'llfl - 5§h R X edaYa
<br />caar a a�aKs
<br />- - Iy Xlry1X,2�
<br />Commission of Hall County, Grand Island and Wood River, and the
<br />Date
<br />w
<br />Approved d acceptp3 the City Grand Island, Nebraska, thls,E! =d(glo n IL 2005.
<br />par
<br />City Clerk
<br />A
<br />SHEET 2OF2
<br />