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PARTIAL DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PROCEDURES: <br />s sLS <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Security Agreement executed by Kevin <br />Rainforth and Lori Rainforth, as Joint Debtors Husband and Wife, Trustor, to Heritage Bank, Trustee, for <br />the benefit of Heritage Bank, the Beneficiary named herein, dated July 11, 2000, and recorded September <br />1, 2000 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska as Document No. 200007140 has <br />been paid, and said Beneficiary has been requested in writing this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and <br />delivered as confirmed by its endorsement below: <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the request of the <br />Beneficiary named therein, the undersigned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release and <br />reconvey to the person or persons entitled thereto all the interest and estate derived to said Trustee by or <br />through said Trust Deed in the following described premises but only to such premises: <br />Part of Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW1 /4NW1 /4) and Northwest Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter (NW1 /4SW1/4) of Section Eighteen (18) Township Nine (9) North, Range Ten (10) <br />West of the 6th PM Hall County Nebraska, the Partial Reconveyance is described as Lot 1, Riverview <br />Ridge Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska or the LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW1 /4SW1/4), of <br />Section Eighteen (18), Township Nine (9) North, Range Ten (10) West of the Oh P.M., in Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning of the southwest corner of said Northwest <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW 1 /4S W 1 /4); thence running northerly along the west line of said <br />Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW1 /4SW1 /4), on an Assumed Bearing of N00 29'27 "W, a <br />distance of Thirty (30.00) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence continuing N00 29'27 "W <br />along the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW 1 /4S W 1 /4), a distance of <br />Three Hundred Sixty Five (365.00) feet; thence running N89 30'33 "E, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty <br />Five (365.00) feet; thence running S00 29'27 "E, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Five (365.00) feet; <br />thence running S89 30'33 "W, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Five (365.00) feet, to the ACTUAL <br />point of beginning and containing 3.058 acres more or less. <br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belonging to such <br />premises. <br />DATED: August 17, 2005 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />}SS: <br />COUNTY OF Hall <br />Heritage Bank <br />by �� <br />Scott E. Wiltfong, President <br />Before me, a Notary Public qualified in said county, personally came Scott E. Wiltfong, President of <br />Heritage Bank a corporation known to me to be the same and identical person who signed the foregoing <br />instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed of said corporation. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal on1i 1 `j <br />Notary Public <br />�fiENfRAI NOTARY - State of Netuaska <br />MATILDA K, deFREI~SE <br />My Comm. Eip. !uy 1, 200 <br />Z <br />M nn <br />�.� <br />a n <br />" M <br />c <br />cnn <br />-%" <br />c) � <br />� <br />CO v <br />N <br />v <br />e, �, <br />CIO <br />� <br />ry <br />----- <br />z <br />= 1A,, <br />° <br />'.' <br />00 <br />Cn <br />co <br />L <br />� <br />� � <br />(�'Ji <br />rry <br />1� <br />G1A. <br />� <br />,...,,7 <br />'�� 1'' <br />C' <br />�. <br />M <br />Co <br />Q <br />� <br />C-0 <br />r.. <br />P� <br />co <br />ffv <br />N <br />200508065 �- <br />PARTIAL DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PROCEDURES: <br />s sLS <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Security Agreement executed by Kevin <br />Rainforth and Lori Rainforth, as Joint Debtors Husband and Wife, Trustor, to Heritage Bank, Trustee, for <br />the benefit of Heritage Bank, the Beneficiary named herein, dated July 11, 2000, and recorded September <br />1, 2000 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska as Document No. 200007140 has <br />been paid, and said Beneficiary has been requested in writing this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and <br />delivered as confirmed by its endorsement below: <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the request of the <br />Beneficiary named therein, the undersigned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release and <br />reconvey to the person or persons entitled thereto all the interest and estate derived to said Trustee by or <br />through said Trust Deed in the following described premises but only to such premises: <br />Part of Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW1 /4NW1 /4) and Northwest Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter (NW1 /4SW1/4) of Section Eighteen (18) Township Nine (9) North, Range Ten (10) <br />West of the 6th PM Hall County Nebraska, the Partial Reconveyance is described as Lot 1, Riverview <br />Ridge Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska or the LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW1 /4SW1/4), of <br />Section Eighteen (18), Township Nine (9) North, Range Ten (10) West of the Oh P.M., in Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning of the southwest corner of said Northwest <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW 1 /4S W 1 /4); thence running northerly along the west line of said <br />Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW1 /4SW1 /4), on an Assumed Bearing of N00 29'27 "W, a <br />distance of Thirty (30.00) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence continuing N00 29'27 "W <br />along the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW 1 /4S W 1 /4), a distance of <br />Three Hundred Sixty Five (365.00) feet; thence running N89 30'33 "E, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty <br />Five (365.00) feet; thence running S00 29'27 "E, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Five (365.00) feet; <br />thence running S89 30'33 "W, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Five (365.00) feet, to the ACTUAL <br />point of beginning and containing 3.058 acres more or less. <br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belonging to such <br />premises. <br />DATED: August 17, 2005 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />}SS: <br />COUNTY OF Hall <br />Heritage Bank <br />by �� <br />Scott E. Wiltfong, President <br />Before me, a Notary Public qualified in said county, personally came Scott E. Wiltfong, President of <br />Heritage Bank a corporation known to me to be the same and identical person who signed the foregoing <br />instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed of said corporation. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal on1i 1 `j <br />Notary Public <br />�fiENfRAI NOTARY - State of Netuaska <br />MATILDA K, deFREI~SE <br />My Comm. Eip. !uy 1, 200 <br />