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I <br />RELEASE OF MORTGAGE <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the drht named therein, IiEATIMU BOWDEN, KELLI <br />BOWDEN AND MEGAN BOWDEN hereby release the Mortgage made by RONALD E. BODIF, on <br />.. the folloryln d. �rSCr3 .l�.I+°•2�:.$S�:r:4^�i�it,:� -- ' ..._ ..."_v' <br />Fart of Lot Thrcc (3), Aleck Sixty Six (G6)� OlIgiunl Tuwu, uvw Orand Ttilind, Hill Cpiinty, l,YPhraska, more <br />yin aWwlfialy 1L1L l IlItal am 1111111w� r IIIIIIt�r,,t1l'111g tll <!1C i�}UIllllMefitertjr COrn®r OT E11Ct LOt J, mm�ln� ihoneC <br />southerly on the woatvrlp lino of mud Lao 88 feet, tlscnt,;, �set,�ly �1, ;r'4t zulr'IVD 17 :1 Ihal, 4 muddy, 1;.awo ac <br />right angles in a southerly direction ad feet to tho alloy in said block, iu ming deeded oast' -Ay aL ile,4t augl -s uu <br />Ill- iluualcrly liuc of said lot 26 'i3 feet, Thence at right angles northerly for a distance of 132 feet to the <br />northl -fly line of said lot, running thonoo westerly at right aikgh: a V" lh. ,1U, tllP, ly li!!c: sold lut If a dlsuince <br />of 44 feet to the place of beginning, <br />which is recorded in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 200312694 in the records of said county. <br />IN TUTZIONY IVR'RR POP, the, Baia Now I; Pr,r,r }Tt 4V 1?1?17 A7'1L <br />RoWl PX aerurd iLcNr aulu Lu bu wwoutied horcta an Z ? .lay <br />LLT >sO�VbEiv . <br />State of l7 <br />Count' of <br />On this day � gn 'd, a Notary Public in and <br />for said County, Y a �� before fie, the undersi e <br />ty, personally came <br />to me personally known to be the identical, persons whose names are affixed to the above release and <br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notary seal at <br />year last above written, in'said County the day and <br />otary Public <br />My Commission expires <br />