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" NEBRAM -1II+ FUE Mi CSI, cum - MAM24r. 9EA'lIIMM - F17 d XW,1 - <br />This Ft"Ilt9TATZ�Pie pmented to a>� Filed With: -Ipis a"d�ond 200507960 <br />forl:line.puauant to the Uniform Commercial Code: 8heeta Ptesenied 9. {ppyowak <br />J. Debtor(•) ZWt Name Flat} and Adamsicsy Z. Secured PwViest Nams(s) and Addreas(ak 4. 11brRing Offim Tiaae, Date, <br />PROffutt Limited Partnership G nex 1 E1 tri Ca it 1 Business M•.�tOffice <br />1600 Radisson Tower PAsse Fun�d�ng orp�raion <br />201 5th Street N C -97550 <br />Far o, ND 58102 Bellevue" WA 98009 <br />Social secuft M. Social seeuft Ns. <br />or %d. M No. -45--0428132 or LA Ns. 91- 3219984 - -- <br />5. The Rnanciap stat"Mat Cove" the Anowini Types (or lama) of ftperb: 200011179 <br />THIS FIXTURE FILING IS TO BE RECORDED IN THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS. <br />The Property, as defined in the Commercial Deed of Trust, Security <br />Agreement, Assignment of Leases and Rents Financing Statement and <br />Fixture riling and the Collateral, as deRned in the Security <br />Agreement, both as more fully described in Exhibit A, which is 8• Ug Tb be Recorded in Real <br />attached hereto and made a part hereof. lbtate Mortgage Records <br />]X., proceeds - Q hoducto of the Conateal ue Also Covered: <br />.. ­WWu.• -ra pow. <br />Nuns(s)of <br />See Exhibit: H for name of record owner and legal EO"i <br />description of real estate, ownw(e} <br />10. This statement is bled without the debtors aienabue to perfect a aecun4 interest in can-t=l 9. Ass ee(s of Secured <br />ign pyJf<j and Addtesa(es) <br />(checiCK if so) <br />aheadr subject to a ■ecudq intamst is arwther judsdkWn whan it was bmoght into this nude, or <br />n wbtch is pmesede of the fonowing deaeobsd o>khW conateal whkb wm perfwted <br />PROffutt ,=.�lteg.Partneraship <br />PY <br />Signature(s) of Dabtot(s) <br />Title: signedrrre of Secured Ftirq <br />f� <br />» 801 v <br />PEI-W2491 <br />