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r <br />200507929 <br />5. No other person has a right to the interest of the Decedent in the described <br />property. <br />6. The undersigned, as surviving spouse of the Decedent and as the sole devisee <br />of the residue of Decedent's estate pursuant to his Will, is the claiming successor to the <br />Decedent's interests in the above described real estate. The net value of the Decedent's <br />entire probate estate is less than Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00). <br />7. The undersigned as claiming successor swears that all statements set forth in <br />this Affidavit are true and material and further acknowledges that any false statement <br />may subject the person or persons to penalties relating to perjury under Section 28 -915, <br />R.R.S. Neb. <br />8. Pursuant to Nebraska Probate Code Section 30- 24,129, the undersigned affiant <br />as successor shall have the same protection as a distributes who has received a Deed of <br />Distribution from a Personal Representative and a purchaser of the above described real <br />property or a lender to the undersigned affiant shall have the same protection as a person <br />purchasing from or lending to a distributee who has received a Deed of Distribution from <br />a Personal Representative. <br />IN WITNES WHEREOF, the undersigned affiant has caused this Affidavit to be <br />S <br />executed this day of , 2005. <br />Vicki L. Sherman, Affiant <br />6662 W. Wildwood Drive <br />Alda, NE 68810 <br />2005. SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this � day of /� W --! �_/_ I <br />-2- <br />GEPIERM comet. A. F31�, Uor I <br />