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-Japual of lsnJl ;o pea(] 5141 JaA110p pup Olnoaxo <br />of A4!JOglnp pup 'Jemod '346u pn; oqj spy Jolsrul (q) pug '1snJl ;o pea(] siUl ql!m uolloeuuoo u! .iepue'l 'Aq peldeom pup ' ;o JOA81 ul penssi <br />uoluldo e!l!l Ipul; J0 'lJOdeJ 011!3 'Aoilod 0ou9Jnsul ellg Aug u! Jo uolldlaosep f4JedOJd 1pea e4l ui gvol les esogl upgl Jeg4o seougJgwnoue <br />Pup suall Ile ;O Jga!o pug eeJ; 'eldwls eel u! AliedOJd eql Ol PJooea ;o all!; olqula)lJew pup pooB splay JolsnJl (u) :le4l sluuaaum Jolsru 'all!1 <br />:lsnJl ;o peed s141 to lied a eJe f4jocloJd o41 ;o d14sJaumo of Builulej suo!s1AOJd Bu!mollo! a41 '31111 d0 3SN3330 !A1NV latlm <br />'llne ;e(] uodn pell!lue eq stew Jepuel go!4m of sa!powei pup slyBu Ja14o Ile of uo!l!ppe ui aq peys ly6u Yong -slunowe esegl ;o <br />luawAud am-nes ll!m osle 4snJl ;o pea(] e41 'A4!Jnlew s,e4ON e4l le elgvAed pup enp eq plm go!gm luewAed uoolleq a se eq (0) Jo !eJON <br />eql lo wJel l5quieweJ oql (Z) Jo :Aoilod aouemsul elggallddg Aue ;o wJel eql (4) ieglle 6u!Jnp anp owooeq of sluaw/f9d luowpplsul Auu 411m <br />elgBAed eq pue buowe peuo!lJOdde aq pup MON 8qI to eoueleq 944 0l pappe aq (13) : puewap uo olquAud aq (y) ll!m 'uolldo s,Jepual le 'pue <br />ssoupalgapul eql ;o lied a ewooeq ll!m sesuedxe gons py •JOlsnal Aq luewAudeJ ;o e4ep eql of Jepuel Aq p!ed Jo pennoul ellep eql woJ; elON eq4 <br />aepun pOBJego al9J eql lie lsaaalu! Jgeq uegl ll!m sesodand gons Jo; Jepuel Aq pled ao pennoul seJnl!puedxe gons 11V "dOJd aql 6uvuasaJd pup <br />l3quiLgulew 'Buunsul Jo; slsoo lie BuAed pup AlJedOJd eq4 uo peoeld Jo palAal ow!l due le 'swlelo Jay4o pup sooueJgwnoua 'slsaJalui X4!Jnoos 'suoil <br />'sexg4 lie 6uApd Jo 6ui6JUyos!p o4 popwp 4ou 4nq Bwpnloul 'aleudoJdde swoop Japual leyl uoiloe Aue e)1% (04 pa ;e611go eq IOU !legs Inc) Jew <br />;!egeq s,JOlsnJl uo Jepuel 'sluawnoo(] pele!aa Aue Jo lsnal ;o paa(] sigl aapun Aud Jo aBaegosip of paiinbei si Jolsnal s4unowe Aue enp uegm <br />Aud Jo aBJggoslp of eJnl!ul s,JOlsnJl of pel!w!l 4ou;nq 6ulpnl3ul 'sluewnoo(] pele!e>_i /due ao 4snJl ;o pee(] s!ql ;o uoisimcl Aug ql!m Aldwoo of slle; <br />JolsnJl ;l Jo A:pedOJd eql u1 lseaelui s,Jepuel 13e4e A!!euelew pinom 11343 peouewwoo si 6uipeeooid Jo uo14o13 Aue 11 'S31 niiaNUX3 S,U3QN31 <br />,AlJedOJd eql ;o 4soo 4uawoouldoi <br />enleA 4suO 0gj aulwJalap Japual of AJ0401R;sl Tss aagvidde luepuedepui ug angq 'Japuel ;o lsenbei uodn 'llpys JolsnJl -Aoilod 1344 ;o elep <br />uoilendxe eql (g) pup :enlVA 1941 6ululwJetep ;o aeuuew eql pue '4edoJd gons ;o enlgA lueweop!deJ lueJJno u944 9141 'poinsui AlJedoJd <br />e44 (b) 'Aoilod eql ;o lunowg a4l (E) 'painsul sNsp 9143 (Z) 'JaJnsui ago ;o owuu ayl (4) :Buimo4s eoueansui ;o Aoilod Builsixe goee <br />uo lJOdeJ 13 Jepuel of gsivan; pegs Jolsnal 'MA 9 eouo uggl 8JOw lou Jenemog 'Japuel 10 48enbeJ uodn • aoueansul uO laodaa s,JOlsnJl <br />aeedde Am slseaelul s,JOlsnJl se aolsnal of p!9d eq !legs speeooJd qons `ssoupolgapul eql ;o pn; ul <br />luewAed aellg speeowd /pup sp!oq Jepuel 11 sseupelgepul eql ;O eoueleq lgdlouud eyl of po!!dde aq peys 'Aue;! 'JapulewaJ egl pup 'lsaaelul <br />panion Aud of uegl ';srui ;O pea(] sl4l J9pun Japual 01 6ulmo 4unowe Auu /fed of ;sJ!; pasn aq peys A;JedOJd eql ;o uoileaolsei Jo iipdea <br />a41 0l pell!wwoo 4ou seq Jepuel golgm pup 4dlao9J a!egl joke skip og; ulyl!m posJngslp uaaq lou aneg 4o14m speeowd Auy 4snjl ;o pee(] <br />siyl aapun llnu ;op ui 4ou si Jo4sm-L l! uoilejolsaa Jo JledeJ ;o lsoo e!geuoseeJ eq; Jo; speeooJd eql woo; Jo4snJl esJngwieJ Jo Aud 'aanl!puedxo <br />gons ;o;ooJd AJOlou;s!les uodn 'peys Japuel •Japu01 01 /Go40e;s1les Jauuew a ul s4uewenoadwl peAoilsep Jo pebewep eql eouldeJ Jo a!edaa <br />Ilpgs JolsnJl 'JledeJ pue uopeao ;sea o4 speeOOad B4l �tldde of s4oeie Jepuel ;i �tlJedoJd eql ;o JiledeJ pug uoilleJOlsaJ 0141 Jo `AlJadoJd ay; <br />6ullo8; 8 ue11 �Uv 10 4uew/(ed 'sseupelgepul eql ;o uoilonpea eql of speeooJd eql Alddg pug eouvinsul Aue ;o speamid aql uieloi pup 0A1030J <br />,UOgoal9 s,Japuel l9 'Auw Jepuel `peJl13dwl sl A41inoes s,J9puel 4ou Jo Ja14ayM 'f1lensno a141 ;o sAup (g ;) uoo4!1 ulyl!m os op of spu; Jo4snJl <br />;! ssol ;o ;owd eilew /dew Japuel •/:podOJd 044 0; obuwup Jo ssol Aue ;o Aepuel 4!lou Alldwoid !legs JolsnJl speemd ;o uolleollddy <br />-ueol e4l ;o wJel eUl Jo; eouvinsul gons ulg4ulgw of pup 'Japual Aci paJmbaJ aslmaaglo <br />sp Jo 'wpaBoad eoueansui poold !puolWN eql aepun les sl!wll Aoilod wnwlxuw eql of do 'uuol a44 Buunoos A:Podoid e4l uo sue!l JoiJd Aue pup <br />ugol eq4 ;o eouulpg !ledlouud p!udun lin; eql Jo; 'peas piezgU pool; Ieloads 9 ul poleoo! s1 /4jodOJd o44 1E44 Jepuel Aq UeA16 sl e011ou aelle sAvp <br />gq Wgllm '9lgp!!9A9 ;l 'e06einsul poold lujopad ulglulew pug ulelgo 04 saaAe Jo4snJl '9eae pi9zeU pooh Ip!Oeds le 513 �coua6y 4uawaBpu9W <br />Aoue6Jaw3 juieped eql ;o JoloeJl(] eql Aq peleu6!sap gaiv up u1 poleool aq A4Jadwd lees ag1 p!nogg uosied aeglo Aug Jo Jolsrul <br />;0 41nu;ap Jo uoisslwo '309 Au9 Aq Aem Aue ul p0J1edw1 aq 4au ll!m Jepual ;o JOAe; u1 ebeaenoo 1pgl 6u1p1AOad luewesJOpue up apnloul 11914s <br />osle Aoilod eou9Jnsw 14093 -J0pu01 Ol 001Jou u044!Jm Joud sApp (o ;) uel lseel le lno4l!m pegs!ump Jo pelleougo eq IOU 111m S0613JOAOO 49144 <br />suopelnd!Is Bulpnloul 'Japual of /Go4ou ;sues wao; u1 eoueansui ;o seleo!lgieo Jo se!o!lod egl ewll of ew14 woo; J9pue1 01 JaAllap ll!m 'Japual <br />;o isenbeJ uodn JOlsnjl •Jepuel of elgeldeom tlquuosuea s9iuledwoo Jo Auedwoo g Aq penss! <br />pup Japual of a!geldaooe A!geuoseeJ <br />siseq pup se613J8AO3 'slunowe 'woo; ul ueu!Jm eq Ilegs se10110d •eJlnbeJ Algpuoseei Am Japual se 'eoueansui Jalloq pup `uoildnJJalu1 <br />ss0ulsnq `pJUZp14 0l pallw!l 4ou 4nq Buipn!ou! 'oou9Jnsu! Jaylo gons u191umw pugs Jolsm `�119uoil!ppV -sa1O11od eoueansui �l!Ilgell gons <br />u1 speinsul leuoll!ppu se poweu Bueg Japual pup aalsm-L 41!m lsonbaJ /dew Japual se s;unowp 06eJanoo gons u1 eoueansui Al!I!ge1! leaeueb <br />8AIsU9yeJdwoo ule4ullew pup eJnoo.A osle llpgs Jolsrul •Jepuel 10 Jong; ul esne!o ee6e64JOw piepuels p ql!m pup 'esnplo 9ou13Jnsu!O0 Aue <br />;o uolleolldde pions of lualol;;ns 4unow9 up u! A:pedOJd !gab a4l uo sluawanoJdwl Ile 6ulJanoo an!VA elggJnsul Iln; ayl Jol slseq anlUA J!g; 9 <br />ue slummopue 96gJenoo pepuelxe pJ13pu134s ql!m eou13Jnsul eal ; ;o se!o!lod ulelulew pup einooid leegs Jolsnal •aoueJnsul ;0 aoueualulaw <br />-lsnal ;o pea(] s141 ;o }Jed g eju A:pedOJd aql Buunsui of BullelaJ suolslAoJd Bulmollol 941 '3 (]NvmnSN1 30MA3 A193dbblld <br />•slu0wenoadwl gons ;o lsoo e41 stud ll!m <br />pup uvo Jolsnal 1944 aepuel of fuolo9 ;s1 ;9s seou9Jnsse e0u9Ap9 Jepue7 04 14sluan; Japuel ;0 4s0nbeJ uodn ll!m Jolsnal •sle!Je;ew Jo 'seolAies <br />'ilJOm ayl ;o 4unoom uo pelJess13 eq pinoo ue!l Jegio Jo 'ueil s,uewle!Jelew 'uell s,oluegoew /due ;! '/t4Jadoad eql of pe11ddns em elplJejuw Aug <br />Jo 'pegslwn; aJe soo!Nes Me 'peouewwoo s! llJOm Aug eao ;eq sAup (%) ueel4!1 lseel le Jepuel AJllou Ilpgs JolsnJl uollonjlsuoo 10 aolloN <br />-Apodoid <br />e44lswg6g sluewssessu pup sexul eql ;0 luewele4s ue44um 9 ew1; Aug 112 Japual 01 JOA110P 01 leplgo leluawuJana6 olepdwddg aql ozuoglne <br />11945 pup sluawssassg Jo sexel eql ;o luewAt?d ;o eOUep!A9 /Goloe;sllus Japua-i of gsiuJn; puewap uodn peys Jolsnil •luawAud ;o aou9p!A3 <br />•sbu1P89ooJd lseluoo eql ui pegsluJn; puoq 14eans Aue aepun 0oB14o !euolllpp9 up sg Japuel aweu 1194s Jo4snJl -4edOJd 941 <br />lsulg613 lueweOJO ;ue eao;aq luowBpnf osJanpe tug fi4sllps plegs pule Jepuel pue ;lest! pue ;ep pugs Jolsnal'lsaluo0 Aue u! -u0il o4l Jopun ales <br />Jo oinsolmol g ;o llnseJ a s9 enJOOe p!noo lug! seBJggo Jag10 Jo 'seal ,sAeujoUe pup slsoo Aue sn!d ue!l eql e6Jeg3slp of lue!o!;;ns lunowe <br />up u! Japual 04 /Golo9 ;siles Alpnoes Jeglo Jo puoq /(loans alujocli 0 luelo!4ns u Jo gsuo Jepuel ql!m l!sodep 'Jepue-1 Aq pelsenbaJ ;! Jo uall <br />eql ;o e6Jpg3s!p 1344 amoos '6uilq eql ;o eollou seq ao4snJl Jet ;e situp (9 L) U0041; u1411m 'pap; s! uay le;! 'JO sesup ua!! 8141 Jal}le sAlep (g G) ueau!; <br />ulgl!m Il13gs ao4snal `luawkeduou ;o llnsaJ u su pep; s! Jo sespe uep e;! •p0zlpaedoof lou s! A:podOJd aql ul 4sOJalu! s,Japuol se buol os 'Aud of <br />uo!leBpgo aql Jeno e4ndslp ql!u; POOR a ql!m uo!loouuoo u! quio Jo 'luewssessp 'xe4 /due ;o luewAud p!oggllm Auw JolsnJl •lsaluoO of ItAH <br />•4snJl ;o pee(] <br />s141 ui pep!AOad es!mie4lo su 4daoxa pug anp lou sluewssessle pug sexel ;o uel! egl Jo; ldaoxo '4snJl ;o pea(] s!44 aapun Japual ;0 4sojejul <br />ayl of !gnbe Jo Jano /14!JOUd Bu!Ae14 sue!! Ile ;o aoil AlJedOJd eq4 ulleluluw pegs JOlsnal •/(4JedOJd 944 0l pagslwn; leual9w Jo paJapuej saoiAJes <br />Jo; Jo uo ouop )iJOm Jo; swle!o lie anp uaqm Aud peys pup '/t4JadOJd eql ;o lun000e Uo Jo 4su1e6e pe!Aal suoil!sodwl pup sou!; '(James pue <br />Jalam 6u1pn!ou) seBJeyo 'sluawssessu 'sexe41e1oeds 'sexel Ile (Aouonbuilop of Jo!Jd slueA9 1113 ui pue) enp uegm Aed pegs Jolsnal •luewAgd <br />:lsnal ;o pea(] slgl ;o lied eJe A4JedOJd a41 uo sua11 pup saxgl 94104 6ulle!eJ suols!AOJd Bu!mollol e41 'SN311 aNtl S3Xtl1 <br />•/(4JadOJd <br />agl eAJeseJd -P_ue }oJd ol- Se 6ig8uo eayela i d9]d st{i_;_o; an puB,LejmR4S- ey}.uaoJ; .gQ1ym 'U040GS SI4l U! aAoqu Lipol 49e slob <br />e4 . <br />asap of uol4fpps ul 's}oe Je44o 119 op 119ys Jo ;sn�l AjjedOJd eq4 pepuel►gun eApe� Jo UopU g of Jegl!eu seeJ613 Jolsmi •loaload o; J4nd <br />'lseJe;ul s,Japuel loeloid of 'Jepuel of Ajoloulsllgs <br />AlgvuosueJ 'puoq fi4aJns u Jo /(llinoes elenbepe 4sod of JolsnJl eJlnbeJ Am Jepuel •pezipJedoef ;ou eJg AvedOJd 13144 ul s4sel8lu! s,Japual <br />'uo!u!do alos s,Jepuel u! 'se Buol os pup os 6ulop o; aoud Bullpm u! Japual peggou spg Jo4snal se Buo! os 's!ueddle el9pdoJddp Wion!ou! <br />'bu!paeowd Me 6uunp e3up!ldwo0 p!o4441m pup uollgln6ei Jo 'eoueulpJO 'm9l gons �(u13 g41e; pooh u! lselum Am Jolsm •goy se!lIl!gpsl(] <br />UUm sueouawy aq4 'u01491!wil 4no41lm Bu1Pn!oul '"aWcl eq4 ;o /(ouednOOO Jo asn ay4 01 e!quol!dde se!luo41nu !uluowwanob Ile ;o ' ;09; ;9 ul <br />JayeaJaq Jo mou 'suo!lulnbaJ pup 'seoueu!pio 'smpi Ile 41!m AIdwoo A!4dwoJd lle4s JolsnJl •sluawaalnbaa IeluawUJanoO 44!m eouelldwo(] <br />•4snal ;o <br />pea(] slgl ;O suO1l!puo3 pup swJal agl ql!m eoue11dwoo s,JOlsnJl ;o sesodand Jo; ApedoJd luab eql loedsu of pule s;seaelul s,Jepual of pua44g <br />04 sow!l algsuosuea Ile ;e AlJadoJd lean eq4 uodn Jelue Auw saA!4g4u8sejdeJ pup slueBu s,Japual pule J9puel •Jalu3 Ol lyBIH s,Japual <br />'enjUA !pnbe lseel 49 ;a sluauJanoadwl ql!m sluewenoJdwl vans ooeldej <br />of Japuel of AJOlog ;sgus sluewebuuaae oNew of JolsnJl eJ!nbeJ Auw Japuel 'sluewenoadw! Aug ;o lVAOweJ 844 04 Uo14!PUO3 a sy •luasuoo <br />ua44um Joud s,aepual 1no441m "doJd ieea 044 woJ; s4uaweAOadw! Aue anowaJ JO gs1lowep lou peys Jolsmi •sluawanoadwl to !eAOwaa <br />quesuoo U93AIJm <br />aoud s,Japuel 1no441m s;onpoJd Now Jo !enuJ6 'pos 'upoos 'x(1310 'leoo '(sub pup I!o 6ulpnloul) s!eaaulw 'Jagwll Aug 'BAOweJ of l415p 041 mud <br />Jaylo Aug of 4ueJ6 Jo 'OAOwaJ lou !pm ao;sm-L 'Bu!OBeJO; 84110 A4!leaeuo6 oql 6ulllw!I 4nogl!M 'flJadOJd 014110 uo14JOd Am Jo X( edoJd ayl <br />of Jo uo elsem Jo ;0 6uidduls /due Jajjns Jo '4!waed 'l!wwoo Jou aouesmu /due ;IwJad Jo lonpuoo 'esneo lou peys Jo4snJl alsem 'aoues!nN <br />Z asgd (panuguoC)) <br />ML U OZ .isnal k a33a <br />
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