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<br />Pleast rctutn to:
<br />Mr. Randy M. Meyer R ZT E
<br />Eric H. Lindquist, P.C., L.X..0.
<br />8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 260
<br />Omens, NE 681143419
<br />Tc1cphone No. (402) 829 -0400
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<br />THAT WHEREAS, in an action found at Case No. Cl 04 -1140 in the District Court
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska, wherein Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, f /k/a
<br />Bankers Trust Company of California, N.A., as Trustee for Asset Backed Securities
<br />Corporation Loan Beach Home Equity Loan Trust 2000 -1-131, by and through its loan
<br />servicing agent, Washington Mutual Bank, E.A., is the plaintiff, and Kevin L. Hopkins and
<br />Debra L. Hopkins, are the defendants, Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, f /k/a
<br />Bankers Trust Company of California, N.A., as Trustee for Asset Backed Securities
<br />Corporation Loan Beach Home Equity Loan Trust 2000 -LB1, did obtain a Decree finding
<br />that there is due the plaintiff the sum of Fifty -Two Thousand One Hundred Thirty Dollars
<br />and Forty -Six Cents ($52,130.46), plus interest, escrow advances, title search costs and
<br />costs of suit; and
<br />WHEREAS, it was further ordered in said Decree that in default of the payment
<br />of the sum so found due by the defendants, that the appointed Master Commissioner
<br />should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be advertised and sold
<br />according to law to pay the same; and
<br />WHEREAS, default in payment having been made therein, Todd V. Elsbemd,
<br />Master Commissioner under and by virtue of the said Decree and the Order of Sale to her
<br />duly directed, did on June 16, 2005, inside the front door of the Hall County Courthouse,
<br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, having first given due and legal notice
<br />of the time and place of said sale by publication once in each week for four consecutive
<br />weeks in a newspaper printed and in general circulation in said County of Hall, sell said
<br />premises at public auction to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, f/k/a Bankers Trust
<br />Company of California, N.A., as Trustee for Asset Backed Securities Corporation Loan
<br />Beach Home Equity Loan Trust 2000 -1-131, for the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars
<br />($20,000.00); and
<br />HEREAS such Master Commissioner's sale was afterward confirmed on
<br />2005, and the said Todd V. Elsbemd as Master Commissioner was
<br />ordered to convey said premises in fee simple title to Deutsche Bank National Trust
<br />Company, f /k/a Bankers Trust Company of California, N.A., as Trustee for Asset Backed
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<br />THAT WHEREAS, in an action found at Case No. Cl 04 -1140 in the District Court
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska, wherein Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, f /k/a
<br />Bankers Trust Company of California, N.A., as Trustee for Asset Backed Securities
<br />Corporation Loan Beach Home Equity Loan Trust 2000 -1-131, by and through its loan
<br />servicing agent, Washington Mutual Bank, E.A., is the plaintiff, and Kevin L. Hopkins and
<br />Debra L. Hopkins, are the defendants, Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, f /k/a
<br />Bankers Trust Company of California, N.A., as Trustee for Asset Backed Securities
<br />Corporation Loan Beach Home Equity Loan Trust 2000 -LB1, did obtain a Decree finding
<br />that there is due the plaintiff the sum of Fifty -Two Thousand One Hundred Thirty Dollars
<br />and Forty -Six Cents ($52,130.46), plus interest, escrow advances, title search costs and
<br />costs of suit; and
<br />WHEREAS, it was further ordered in said Decree that in default of the payment
<br />of the sum so found due by the defendants, that the appointed Master Commissioner
<br />should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be advertised and sold
<br />according to law to pay the same; and
<br />WHEREAS, default in payment having been made therein, Todd V. Elsbemd,
<br />Master Commissioner under and by virtue of the said Decree and the Order of Sale to her
<br />duly directed, did on June 16, 2005, inside the front door of the Hall County Courthouse,
<br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, having first given due and legal notice
<br />of the time and place of said sale by publication once in each week for four consecutive
<br />weeks in a newspaper printed and in general circulation in said County of Hall, sell said
<br />premises at public auction to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, f/k/a Bankers Trust
<br />Company of California, N.A., as Trustee for Asset Backed Securities Corporation Loan
<br />Beach Home Equity Loan Trust 2000 -1-131, for the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars
<br />($20,000.00); and
<br />HEREAS such Master Commissioner's sale was afterward confirmed on
<br />2005, and the said Todd V. Elsbemd as Master Commissioner was
<br />ordered to convey said premises in fee simple title to Deutsche Bank National Trust
<br />Company, f /k/a Bankers Trust Company of California, N.A., as Trustee for Asset Backed
<br />