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.Irw� <br />N � <br />B <br />V <br />(D <br />W <br />F p® n t 0 -q ® q® a ark POINT OF BEGINNING <br />--- - - --.- PL toI <br />I <br />®� Lot t <br />Y'hIfd <br />Lot 3 <br />Subdivision <br />N 8990'28" W -� S f Cy q <br />ubdivision <br />4 10 <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br />I hereby certify that on August 5, 2005, I completed an accurate survey of 'COMMERCIAL <br />INDUSTRIAL PARK FIFTH SUBDIVISION, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on the <br />accompanying plot thereof,- that the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, allays, parks, commons and <br />other grounds as contained in said subdivision as shown on the accompanying plat thereof <br />are well and accurately staked off and marked; that iron markers were placed of al/ lot <br />corners; that the dimensions of each lot are as shown on the plat; that each lot bears its <br />own number, and that said survey was made with reference to known and recorded <br />monuments. <br />9 <br />F <br />432-69'A 033,0.P) N 85'56'56" <br />- - .-- - -'- -' ^ ^ •o <br />1 2.69 <br />110.00 2 and 3, <br />Northerly able Lots 1, <br />Park Sub. <br />d <br />F n II <br />� w <br />Comrnerc at Industnol <br />Y„ <br />w <br />' Lot I w <br />a <br />d <br />n <br />�? z <br />- <br />w <br />' <br />a <br />x <br />V Placed P.K. Nail In Asphalt 4 // �a a <br />1i e Q <br />w Placed PK Nail In Asphalt-' <br />/E <br />t <br />C. <br />o <br />S <br />Lot <br />h <br />Placed RK. Not In Asphalt <br />32909' S 89'JO'49" E <br />59.86 A (.59.93' k) S 89'30'49"L <br />- F_ <br />38890' _3 99',3074_9 E <br />tJ <br />Found SL>ikc !n Asphalt p_ <br />hound Spike In Asphalt ft <br />--- - - --.- PL toI <br />I <br />®� Lot t <br />Y'hIfd <br />Lot 3 <br />Subdivision <br />N 8990'28" W -� S f Cy q <br />ubdivision <br />4 10 <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br />I hereby certify that on August 5, 2005, I completed an accurate survey of 'COMMERCIAL <br />INDUSTRIAL PARK FIFTH SUBDIVISION, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on the <br />accompanying plot thereof,- that the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, allays, parks, commons and <br />other grounds as contained in said subdivision as shown on the accompanying plat thereof <br />are well and accurately staked off and marked; that iron markers were placed of al/ lot <br />corners; that the dimensions of each lot are as shown on the plat; that each lot bears its <br />own number, and that said survey was made with reference to known and recorded <br />monuments. <br />9 <br />Dory! D. S genfrei, Reg. L nd Surveyor Na. 578 <br />r�578 _ <br />P.Prp�b FUR�ak�� <br />APPROVAL rtk <br />A roved and accepted by the Cily of Grand island, Nebraska, this. day of <br />utf .--...' 2005. <br />r <br />Planning Direc o" f r / <br />en rn n <br />w <br />L E G E N D <br />•- indicates 112" Iron Pipe Found Unless Otherwise Noted <br />.-Indicates 112" Iran Pipe Placed Unless 0lherw1se Noted <br />A- indicales ACTUAL Oisiance And Bearing <br />R- Indlcoles RECORDED Distance And Bearing <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lot One (1), all of Lot Two (1), <br />part of Lot Three (3), part of Lot Seven (7) and part of Lot Ten (10) and <br />that that pall of Vacated Alley adjacent thereto, alt in Commercial <br />industrial Park Subdivision of Part of Block 1, Nelsen Subdivision, know in <br />the City of Grand island, Hal/ County, Nebraska, more particular described <br />as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest comer of Lot One (1), Commercial Industrial <br />Park Third Subdivision, said point also being on the north line of said Lot <br />Three (3); thence running southerly along the westerly line of Lots One (1) <br />and Two (2), Commercial Industrial Park Third Subdivision, on an Assumed <br />Bearing of SOO'18'54 "W, a distance of Four Hundred Nine and Ninety Eight <br />Hundredths (409,98) feet; thence running S89'30'49 £, a distance of Fifty <br />Nine and Eighty Six Hundredths (59.86) feel, thence running S00'15'41 "W, <br />along the westerly line of Lots Two (2) and Three (3), Commercial <br />industrial Park Third Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Forty Three <br />and Ninely Nine Hundredths (343.99) feet, to the southwest corner of Lot <br />Three (3), Commercial industrial Pork Third Subdivision; thence running <br />N89'40 28 "W, a distance of Five Hundred Four and Nine Hundredths <br />(504.09) feet, to a point on the west line of said Lot Seven (7) and to a <br />point on the easterly right of way line of Webb Road; thence running <br />N00'2155 "E, along the easterly right of way line of Webb Road, a <br />distance of Three Hundred Fifty Six and Sixty Seven Hundredths (356.67) <br />feet; thence running NO3'31'll "E, along the easterly right of way line of <br />Webb Road, a distance of Two Hundred Ten and Thirty Two Hundredths <br />(110,31) feet; thence running N0077'53 "E along the easterly right of way <br />line of Webb Road, a distance of One Hundred Fifty Four and Forty Six <br />Hundredths (154.46) feet, to a point on the northerly line of said Lot One <br />(1); thence running N85'5656 "E along the northerly line of said Lots One <br />(1), Two (2) and Three (3), a distance of Four Hundred Thirty Two and <br />Sixty Nine Hundredths (432.69) feet, to the point of beginning and <br />containing 7192 acres more or less. <br />FAIVAI yrrr•I,% <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that GRAND ISLAND COMMERCIAL VENTURES, L.L.C., a <br />Nebraska Limited Liability Company, being the owner of the land described hereon, has caused <br />same to be surveyed, subdivided, platted and designated as 'COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PARK <br />FIFTH SUBDIVISION' in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat <br />thereof, and do hereby dedicate the easements, if any, as shown thereon for the location, <br />construction and maintenance of public service utilities, together with the right of ingress and <br />egress thereto, and hereby prohibiting the planting of trees, bushes and shrubs, or placing <br />other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface of such easements; and that <br />the foregoing subdivision as more particularly described in the description hereon as appears <br />on this plat is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the <br />undersigned owner and proprietor, <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my signature hereto, at Grand Island, Nebraska, this <br />to day of ,__, 1005. <br />GRAND ISLAND COMMERCIAL VENTURES, L.L.C. <br />A Nebraska Limited Liability Company <br />Ll ukLkS?<aIskli 4 <br />Dovid L Starostko, Manager <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />State Of Nebraska <br />County Of Hall ss '� (1 <br />On the-5 day of 2005, before me,ja, �. .. C <br />a Notary Public within and for sat Cad unf�al /y appeared DAVID t. STAl�05TKA, onager <br />of GRAND ISLAND COMMERCIAL VENTURES L.L.C., a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, and to <br />me personally known to be the identical person whose signature is affixed herafa, and that he <br />did acknowledge the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act <br />and deed of said Company, and that he was empowered to make the above dedication for <br />and in behalf of said Company. <br />iN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, on the dale last above written. <br />My commission ex pires_ r__.1_• <br />l3 <br />afxawi No7nar -rs�ale nl neoraaYe <br />Notary Public oeeni X_�eFn[ <br />COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PARK FIFTH SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />ROCKWELL AND ASSOC. ENGINEERING R SURV Y/NG - GRAND ISLAND NEBRASKA .Sheel No. IOfl <br />