WHEREAS, the INDIAN HEAD GOLF CLUB L.L.C., as owner of all lots in
<br />"INDIAN HEAD SUBDIVISION ", a subdivision located in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, did record in
<br />the office of the Hall County Register of Deeds, an Agreement dated May 16, 1997, providing for protective
<br />covenants, restrictions, and conditions for Indian Head Subdivision, said document having been recorded as
<br />Document Number 97-103819, and
<br />WHEREAS, the majority of the owners of lots in Indian Head Subdivision desire to change and amend
<br />Section 2 of the Agreement for Protective Covenants dated May 16, 1997, to provide as follows:
<br />2. All lots in the subdivision may include townhouses and condominiums. No basement house or
<br />apartment may be built on any lot. On lots 13 through 39 no individual dwelling consisting of one
<br />level shall be constructed with less than 1,300 square feet of living area, not including the garage.
<br />No dwelling consisting of a two-story design shall have less than 900 square feet of living area on
<br />the ground floor, not including the garage. On lots #1 thru #12 and lot #40 no individual dwelling
<br />consisting of one level shall be constructed with less than 1,000 square feet of living area, not
<br />including the garage. No dwelling of a two —story design shall have less than 750 square feet of
<br />living area on the ground floor, not including the garage. No structure shall be erected, altered,
<br />placed or permitted to remain on any lot other than one dwelling, and a private garage for not less
<br />than two (2) cars, for each private dwelling, and other secondary buildings incidental to the
<br />residential use of the plot. Lot owners shall be permitted to construct or erect a detached garage or
<br />secondary building provided it is of the same architectural design as the residential dwelling. No
<br />dwelling shall be erected for occupancy for more than one family, nor shall any dwelling be used for
<br />occupancy of more than one family. No commercial or business enterprises shall be conducted or
<br />operated in said addition. No lot or lots shall be divided or split to create smaller building areas, but
<br />lots may be combined, or combined and divided, to establish larger building areas except in the case
<br />of townhouses, and condominiums then lots may be divided so the owner may own the land under
<br />the townhouse.
<br />We the undersigned warrant that we are the owners of lots under which we are executing this
<br />Agreement, and we do bind our personal representatives, successors and assigns to the terms and provisions of
<br />the above amendment in lieu of the provisions provided in the original Agreement for Protective Covenants,
<br />Restrictions, and Conditions.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we the undersigned have executed this Agreement on the day set forth by
<br />our signature.
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<br />WHEREAS, the INDIAN HEAD GOLF CLUB L.L.C., as owner of all lots in
<br />"INDIAN HEAD SUBDIVISION ", a subdivision located in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, did record in
<br />the office of the Hall County Register of Deeds, an Agreement dated May 16, 1997, providing for protective
<br />covenants, restrictions, and conditions for Indian Head Subdivision, said document having been recorded as
<br />Document Number 97-103819, and
<br />WHEREAS, the majority of the owners of lots in Indian Head Subdivision desire to change and amend
<br />Section 2 of the Agreement for Protective Covenants dated May 16, 1997, to provide as follows:
<br />2. All lots in the subdivision may include townhouses and condominiums. No basement house or
<br />apartment may be built on any lot. On lots 13 through 39 no individual dwelling consisting of one
<br />level shall be constructed with less than 1,300 square feet of living area, not including the garage.
<br />No dwelling consisting of a two-story design shall have less than 900 square feet of living area on
<br />the ground floor, not including the garage. On lots #1 thru #12 and lot #40 no individual dwelling
<br />consisting of one level shall be constructed with less than 1,000 square feet of living area, not
<br />including the garage. No dwelling of a two —story design shall have less than 750 square feet of
<br />living area on the ground floor, not including the garage. No structure shall be erected, altered,
<br />placed or permitted to remain on any lot other than one dwelling, and a private garage for not less
<br />than two (2) cars, for each private dwelling, and other secondary buildings incidental to the
<br />residential use of the plot. Lot owners shall be permitted to construct or erect a detached garage or
<br />secondary building provided it is of the same architectural design as the residential dwelling. No
<br />dwelling shall be erected for occupancy for more than one family, nor shall any dwelling be used for
<br />occupancy of more than one family. No commercial or business enterprises shall be conducted or
<br />operated in said addition. No lot or lots shall be divided or split to create smaller building areas, but
<br />lots may be combined, or combined and divided, to establish larger building areas except in the case
<br />of townhouses, and condominiums then lots may be divided so the owner may own the land under
<br />the townhouse.
<br />We the undersigned warrant that we are the owners of lots under which we are executing this
<br />Agreement, and we do bind our personal representatives, successors and assigns to the terms and provisions of
<br />the above amendment in lieu of the provisions provided in the original Agreement for Protective Covenants,
<br />Restrictions, and Conditions.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we the undersigned have executed this Agreement on the day set forth by
<br />our signature.
<br />