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200507613 <br />RUNNING THENCE NORTH ALONG AND UPON THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE <br />OF SAID LOT FOR A DISTANCE OF 43.5 FEET, RUNNING THENCE IN <br />A WESTERLY DIRECTION TO A POINT ON THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE <br />OF SAID LOT, WHICH POINT IS 41.5 FEET NORTH OF THE <br />SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT RUNNING THENCE SOUTH ON THE <br />WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANCE OF 41.5 FEET, TO <br />THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT, RUNNING THENCE EAST ON <br />THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT FOR A DISTANCE OF 65 <br />FEET, TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING <br />and that a breach of the obligation for which the trust property <br />was conveyed as security has occurred in that the grantors of said <br />deed have failed, neglected and refused to make the payments on <br />said note which Trust Deed was given to secure, which became due on <br />the 1st day of March, 2005, and thereafter, and that there is now <br />due upon said instrument the principal sum of FIFTY SIX THOUSAND <br />THREE HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR DOLLARS AND FORTY -TWO CENTS ($56,364.42) <br />together with interest thereon from the 1st day of February, 2005 <br />at the rate of 8.000% per annum together with accruing taxes and <br />advancements. <br />You are further notified that the Trustee has elected to sell <br />or cause to be sold such property to satisfy the aforementioned <br />obligation. <br />Paul J.'IAPuzza <br />Successor Trustee <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) <br />On this 3rd day of August, 2005, before me, a Notary Public in <br />and for said county, personally came Paul J. LaPuzza, Successor <br />Trustee, to me personally known to be the identical person whose <br />name is affixed to the foregoing instrument as Successor Trustee <br />and he acknowledged the execution of the same to be his voluntary <br />act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and <br />affixed my official seal at Omaha, Nebraska, on the day last above <br />written. <br />MARY A. MASON N t a y P i s <br />MY COMMISSION EXPIRES <br />wotMr <br />��w "' Sepbmber25,2006 <br />