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w <br />20050'7503 <br />DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD <br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act, designation of homestead ❑ is attached to this Deed of Trust and <br />made a part hereof KJ has been disclaimed; the disclaimer is attached to this Deed of Trust and made a part hereof. <br />SIGNATURES: By signing below, Trustor agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Deed of Trust and in any <br />attachments. Trustor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Deed of Trust on the date stated above on Page 1. <br />X7 Actual authority was granted to the parties signing below by resolution signed and dated 7/29/05 <br />Entity Name: MCNELIS DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY & MELDOR, L.L.C., A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPAINY <br />MCNEG DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. MEIDCIR, L.L.C. <br />7/29/05 _- 7/_2 §/05 <br />( ignature) b , (Date) (Si nature) 1" ELVIN . TZl� TMSTLE (Date) <br />MELT E. ZICHEK TRUST DTD 11/16/014, MaSER <br />7/29/05 <br />(Signature) (Date) (Si nature) (Data <br />lx7R lY V . ZICHEK REVOCA YE TRUST DTD 11 16 04 , M M ER <br />❑ Refer to the Addendum which is attached and incorporated herein for additional Trustors, signatures and <br />acknowledgments, <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT: <br />STATE OF , COUNTY OF <br />(Individual) This instrument was acknowledged before me this day <br />by <br />My commission expires: <br />of <br />(Notary Public) <br />} ss <br />STATE OF NE , COUNTY OF MERRICK } ss. <br />This instrument was acknowledged before me this day 29TH of JULY 2005 <br />by Sean L. McNel is and Melvin E. Zichek, TRUSTEE AND SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE <br />(Business <br />or Entity (Title(s)) <br />Acknowledg- of MCNELIS DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY & MELDOR L.L.C., A NEBRASKA -L MIETII,:di4 iARLLIIKtRMPANY <br />meet) a NEBRASKA on behalf the business or entity. <br />My commission expires: <br />(Not5ry ublic) <br />DEBORA K. BECK <br />GENERA- NOTARY - 5tate oP Nebraska <br />DEBORAH K. BECK <br />My Gomm, EV• A09.1, 20 <br />E M ®1993, 2001 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form AGCO - RESI -NE 1/1712003 (page 8 of 8) <br />