<br />ffi�ls*� Form No. 120 THIS FORM, CONSULT YOUR LAWYER
<br />Aw4 ! Doc. No 3568 -
<br />Filed for Revord
<br />AUG N r 20()/11
<br />Tln,e` " ij p t FA ®� �� 200507548
<br />PAT a altpf
<br />Preparer Dale B. Smith 423 Evans St., Sloan, Iowa 51055 712- 428 -3822
<br />Information
<br />Individual's Name Street Address City Phone
<br />F 57A_rr FOR RECORDER
<br />y�'9oc t AS`oi
<br />Das ari � ZA of Att_crheyTin_ra4i
<br />I, Hazel M. Martin _,of 3018 Washington Ave., Sioux City, Iowa,
<br />appoint Michael B. Martin 51,106
<br />of 410 8th St., Sloan, Iowa 51055
<br />my Attorney -in -Fact. In the event my Attorney -in -Fact is unable to serve for any reason or if my Attorney -in -Fact is currently
<br />my spouse and we become legally separated or our marriage is dissolved, I name
<br />James P. Martin
<br />of 3227 Orleans Ave., Sioux City, Iowa 51106 as successor to my Attorney -in -Fact.
<br />I hereby revoke any and all general powers of attorney that may have been previously executed by me, but specifically
<br />excepting any powers of attorney for health care decisions which I may have previously executed.
<br />2. Powers of Attornev -in -Fact.
<br />My Attorney -in -Fact shall have full power and authority to manage and conduct all of my affairs, with full power
<br />and authority to exercise or perform any act, power, duty, right or obligation I now have or may hereafter acquire the legal
<br />right, power and capacity to exercise or perform. The power and authority of my Attorney -in -Fact shall include, but not be
<br />limited to, the power and authority:
<br />A. To buy, acquire, obtain, take or hold possession of any property or property rights and to retain such property, whether
<br />income producing or non- income producing;
<br />13. To Sell, convev, lease, manage, care for, preserve, protect, insure, improve, control, store, transport, maintain, repair,
<br />itmoije, ?, rebuild ar: in ever; way weal in and with any of my pr r;y or property right.,, now or herF,aftei ovrned by me, and
<br />to establish and maintain reserves for improvements, upkeep and obsolescence; to eject or remove tenants or other persons
<br />and to recover possession of such property. This includes the right to convey or encumber my homestead legally described
<br />as follows: The East Half (E1i) of Lot One (1), Block Si.x '('6) , Table Addition to
<br />the City of Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa (which is locally known as
<br />3018 Washington Ave., Sioux City, Iowal.
<br />C. To pay my debts, to borrow money, mortgage and grant security interests in property; to complete, extend, modify or
<br />renew any obligations, either secured, unsecured, negotiable or non- negotiable, at a rate of interest and upon terms
<br />satisfactory to my Attorney -in -Fact; to lend money, either with or without collateral; to extend or secure credit, and to
<br />guarantee and insure the performance and payment of obligations of another person or entity;
<br />D. To open, maintain or close accounts, brokerage accounts, savings and checking accounts; to purchase, renew or cash
<br />certificates of deposit; to conduct any business with any banking or lending institution in regard to any of my accounts or
<br />certificates of deposit; to write checks, make deposits, make withdrawals and obtain bank statements, passbooks, drafts,
<br />money orders, warrants, certificates or vouchers payable to me by any person or entity, including the United States of
<br />America, and expressly including the right to sell or cash U S. Treasury Securities and Series E, EE, and H and HH Bonds;
<br />E. To have full access to any safety deposit boxes and their contents;
<br />F. To oav all city col.nty. state or federal taxes and to receive approoriate mceiots therefore: to prepare. execute. file and
<br />ontaln from the government income and other tai, returns and other governmental reports. applications, requests and
<br />documents; to take any appropriate action to minimize, reduce'or establish non- liability for taxes, to sue or take appropriate
<br />action for refunds of same; to appear for me before the Internal Revenue Service or any other taxing authority in connection
<br />with any matter involving federal, state or local taxes in which I may be a party, giving my Attorney -in -Fact full power to do
<br />everything necessary to be done and to receive refund checks; to execute waivers of the statute of limitations and to
<br />execute closing agreements on my behalf;
<br />G. To act as proxy, with full power of substitution, at any corporate meeting and to initiate corporate meetings for my
<br />benefit as stockholder, in respect to any stocks, stock rights. shares, bonds, debentures or other investments, rights or
<br />interests;
<br />H. To invest, re- invest, sell or exchange any assets owned by me and to pay the assessments and charges therefore; to
<br />obtain and maintain life insurance upon my life or upon the life of anyone else; to obtain and maintain any other types of
<br />insurance policies; to continue any existing pian of insurance or invr:stment;
<br />I. To defend, initiate, prosecute, settle, arbitrate, dismiss or dispose of any lawsuits, administrative hearings, claims,
<br />actions, attachments; injunctions, arrests or other proceedings, or otherwise participate in litigation which might affect me;
<br />0 The Iowa state Bar Association 2001 120 GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY
<br />10WADOCS0 Revised January, 1999
<br />