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n <br />� r <br />Cn <br />.P I <br />A <br />Pi e return to <br />Qualt Loan ervice Corp. <br />319 Elm eet, 2nd Floor <br />San Die 92101 -3006 <br />Loan No: 2073856771 <br />File No. F- 37366 -NE -ER <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br />NOTICE OF DEFAULT <br />M <br />= y <br />C <br />n = <br />Z <br />,r <br />v <br />M > <br />7C _ <br />C:) <br />rn <br />NOTICE OF DEFAULT <br />Notice is hereby given that MICHELLE L. DAVIDSON, A SINGLE PERSON , Trustor under a Deed of <br />Trust recorded in the office of the Register of Deed of Hall, Nebraska, on 12/23/1998 as instrument no. 98- 112742 <br />in Book * ** at Page * ** of the Mortgage Records, which Deed of Trust conveyed the following described real <br />property, to wit: <br />1115 EAST 5TH STREET <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />LOT THREE (3), BLOCK TWELVE (12), EVANS ADDITION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL, COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />Has breached an obligation fbr which said trust property was conveyed as security and is in default under the terms <br />of the Deed of Trust. The nature of such breach is as follows: FAILURE TO MAKE THE 6/21/2004 PAYMENT <br />OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST AND ALL SUBSEQUENT PAYMENTS, TOGETHER WITH LATE <br />CHARGES, IMPOUNDS, TAXES ADVANCES AND ASSESSMENTS. <br />The above debt will be assumed valid unless you notify the undersigned in writing that you dispute the debt or any <br />portion thereof within thirty (30) days from your receipt of this notice. If you notify the undersigned in writing <br />within this time period, we will mail you a verification of the debt. In addition, if the original creditor is different <br />from the above named creditor, the name and address of the original creditor will be provided to you if you request <br />this information in writing form the undersigned within thirty (30) days from your receipt of this notice. Despite the <br />thirty (30) day period mentioned above, we are authorized to continue this collection action. <br />/b -S-o <br />—i rn <br />C:) <br />rn <br />4Y` <br />G7 <br />-•e c-� <br />� <br />:Z <br />Cn <br />c� <br />cn <br />r- <br />cn <br />A <br />N <br />7[ <br />cn <br />z <br />SPACE <br />ABOVE <br />THIS LINE FOR RECOI�UER'S USE <br />0 <br />Notice is hereby given that MICHELLE L. DAVIDSON, A SINGLE PERSON , Trustor under a Deed of <br />Trust recorded in the office of the Register of Deed of Hall, Nebraska, on 12/23/1998 as instrument no. 98- 112742 <br />in Book * ** at Page * ** of the Mortgage Records, which Deed of Trust conveyed the following described real <br />property, to wit: <br />1115 EAST 5TH STREET <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />LOT THREE (3), BLOCK TWELVE (12), EVANS ADDITION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL, COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />Has breached an obligation fbr which said trust property was conveyed as security and is in default under the terms <br />of the Deed of Trust. The nature of such breach is as follows: FAILURE TO MAKE THE 6/21/2004 PAYMENT <br />OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST AND ALL SUBSEQUENT PAYMENTS, TOGETHER WITH LATE <br />CHARGES, IMPOUNDS, TAXES ADVANCES AND ASSESSMENTS. <br />The above debt will be assumed valid unless you notify the undersigned in writing that you dispute the debt or any <br />portion thereof within thirty (30) days from your receipt of this notice. If you notify the undersigned in writing <br />within this time period, we will mail you a verification of the debt. In addition, if the original creditor is different <br />from the above named creditor, the name and address of the original creditor will be provided to you if you request <br />this information in writing form the undersigned within thirty (30) days from your receipt of this notice. Despite the <br />thirty (30) day period mentioned above, we are authorized to continue this collection action. <br />/b -S-o <br />