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SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE <br />WHEREAS, MICHELLE L. DAVIDSON, A SINGLE. PERSON was the original Trustor, TICOR TITLE <br />INSURANCE COMPANY was the original Trustee, and MOUN'T'AIN WEST FINANCIAL, INC. was the original <br />Beneficiary under that certain Deed of "I "rust dated 12/15/1998 recorded on 12/23/1998 as Instrument Number 98- <br />1 12742 Book * ** Page * ** of Official records in the office of the Recorded of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Legal Description: LOT THREE (3), BLOCK TWELVE (12), EVANS ADDI'T'ION, CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Property Address: 1 1 15 EAST 5TH STREET <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />AND WHEREAS, the undersigned, is the present Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust, and, of said <br />original Trustee thereunder. <br />NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned Beneficiary hereby substitutes Thomas J. Holthus, Attorney at <br />Law as Trustee under said Deed of Trust. Whenever the context hereof so requires, the masculine gender includes <br />the feminine and /or neuter and the singular number includes the plural. <br />M <br />Z <br />n <br />f) <br />Z <br />C7 <br />`4''' Ca v <br />p <br />I1 <br />r, <br />(TI <br />G� <br />Q <br />r\ <br />C] .: l <br />CIO <br />C' <br />2 <br />O <br />SPACE AHOVI. -flily IJNG FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />Pie return o: <br />Loan No: 2073856771 <br />Quali o Service Corp. <br />File No. F- 37366 -NE -ER <br />319 El et, 2nd Floor <br />San ' go, C 2101 -3006 <br />JD .rO <br />SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE <br />WHEREAS, MICHELLE L. DAVIDSON, A SINGLE. PERSON was the original Trustor, TICOR TITLE <br />INSURANCE COMPANY was the original Trustee, and MOUN'T'AIN WEST FINANCIAL, INC. was the original <br />Beneficiary under that certain Deed of "I "rust dated 12/15/1998 recorded on 12/23/1998 as Instrument Number 98- <br />1 12742 Book * ** Page * ** of Official records in the office of the Recorded of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Legal Description: LOT THREE (3), BLOCK TWELVE (12), EVANS ADDI'T'ION, CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Property Address: 1 1 15 EAST 5TH STREET <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />AND WHEREAS, the undersigned, is the present Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust, and, of said <br />original Trustee thereunder. <br />NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned Beneficiary hereby substitutes Thomas J. Holthus, Attorney at <br />Law as Trustee under said Deed of Trust. Whenever the context hereof so requires, the masculine gender includes <br />the feminine and /or neuter and the singular number includes the plural. <br />