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200507454 IC04P <br />DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />I, DOROTHY V. ZICHEK, a legal resident of the City of Grand Island, State of Nebraska, appoint <br />MELVIN E. ZICHEK, of Grand Island, Nebraska, my true and lawful attorney, or in the event of his death or <br />inability to act, then SHANNON E. ZICHEK, of Grand Island, Nebraska, my true and lawful attorney, to do any <br />of the following acts: <br />(1) To buy, sell, convey, lease, or otherwise encumber or dispose of any property whatsoever be it real <br />or personal upon such terms as my said attorney shall think proper. <br />(2) To transact all and every kind of business of whatever nature or kind whatsoever. <br />(3) To make, endorse, receive, or execute checks. <br />(4) To deposit into and withdraw from my said attorney's name or my name or jointly in both our names, <br />in or from any banking institution, any funds, negotiable paper, or moneys, which may come into my said <br />attorney's hands as such attorney or which I now or hereafter may have on deposit or be entitled to. <br />(5) To institute, prosecute, defend, compromise, and dispose of actions, suits, or other proceedings, or <br />otherwise engage in litigation. <br />(6) To act as my attorney or proxy in respect to any stocks, shares, bonds, insurance, annuities or other <br />investments, rights, or interests I may now or hereafter hold. <br />(7) To engage and dismiss agents, counsel and employees and to appoint and remove at pleasure and <br />substitute for any agent of my said attorney, in respect to all or any of the matters or things herein mentioned and <br />upon such terms as my attorney shall think fit. <br />(8) To have access to any safe deposit box. <br />(9) To exercise the authority relating to matters involving my .health and medical care, so that if I am <br />unable to give an .informed consent to medical treatment, my attorney shall give or withhold such consent for me <br />based upon any treatment choices that I have expressed while competent, whether under this instrument or <br />otherwise. To employ and discharge medical personnel including physicians, psychiatrists, dentists, nurses and <br />therapists as my attorney shall deem necessary for my physical, mental and emotional well - being, and to pay <br />them, or any of them, reasonable compensation, and to give consent to any medical procedures, tests or <br />treatments, including surgery, to arrange for my hospitalization, convalescent care and hospice of home care; to <br />release any and all medical records of any hospital, doctor, regional center (mental hospital) or hospice. <br />(10) To make annual gifts to any or all of the beneficiaries named in my Will in an amount of <br />$11,000.00, or in the event that the Internal Revenue Code increases or decreases the amount of annual gift for <br />exclusion, then such increased or decreased amount, for the purpose of reducing federal estate taxes. Such gifts <br />are hereby authorized in accordance with any gilt pattern or single gifts made by me in prior years to the extent <br />that it will have any benefit for family tax planning to reduce Federal or state estate taxes and state inheritance <br />taxes, as determined in the sole discretion of my said attorney. <br />BRAD N[ONCRLEF, (I I) .My Agent has the power to prepare, sign, and file on my behalf any and all federal, state and local <br />L.L_C income (including federal and state estimated and state interest, dividends and gains), generation skipping, <br />Attomey at "business tax," and gift tax returns for all periods between the years 1982 and 2082 and to pay any tax due <br />thereon; to represent xne or to sign an Internal Revenue Service Norm 2848 ( "Power of Attorney and Declaration <br />239 a Lis, NF on Avenue of Representative") or 8821 "Tax Information Authorization" or comparable authorization, appointing a <br />l {astings, NF 68901 p � ("Tax P pp �' <br />(402) 462 -5353 qualified lawyer, certified public accountant, or enrolled agent (including my Agent if my .Agent is qualified as <br />