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`"r' <br />0 � . n U7 " C 2a <br />IL <br />M cra � <br />c <br />W co <br />Cn <br />" This Space Reserved for Register of Deeds " <br />QUITCLAIM DEED <br />HALL COUNTY LIVESTOCK IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, a Nebraska non- <br />profit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska, herein called the <br />Grantor, in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, <br />conveys to the CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, a municipal corporation in Hall County, <br />State of Nebraska, herein called the Grantee, the following real estate comprising a part of the <br />Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE1 /4, SW I /4) of Section Twenty Two (22), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6�h P.M., in the city of Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />(NE1 /4, SW1 /4); thence running easterly along the north line of said Northeast <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE1 /4, SW1 /4), on an Assumed Bearing of <br />S88 °37'00 "E, a distance of Twenty and Twenty Nine Hundredths (20.29) Feet; thence <br />running S00 °38'28 "W, a distance of Seventy Nine and Thirty Three Hundredths <br />(79.33) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence running S88 °32'21 "E, a <br />distance of Five Hundred and Two Hundredths (500.02) feet, to a point Eighty <br />(80.00) feet south of the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter (NE1 /4, SW 1/4); thence running S00 °38'28 "W, a distance of Eight Hundred <br />Eighty One and Two Hundredths (881.02) feet; thence running N88 °43'43 "W, a <br />distance of Five Hundred (500.00) feet; thence running N00 °38'28 "E, a distance of <br />Eight Hundred Eighty Two and Sixty Eight Hundredths (882.68) feet, to the <br />ACTUAL point of beginning and containing 10.12 acres more or less. <br />To have and to hold the above described real estate together with all <br />tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Grantee and to the <br />Grantee's successors and assigns forever. <br />