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M <br />i rl f <br />m to °� <br />+� n z %� Q c7 <br />C=) �7M <br />CO <br />N Cam' C,r.7 O <br />ao <br />rrr r~ <br />1•r � <br />co <br />OD <br />fV <br />"' O <br />LOAN MODIFICATION AND ASSUMPTION <br />AGREEMENT WITH RELEASE <br />16, CIP-0 <br />WHEREAS, HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />hereinafter referred to as "Home Federal ", loaned DAVID R FAIRBANKS AND CATHERINA W <br />SALINAS, HUSBAND AND WIFE hereinafter referred to as "Borrower ", the original principal sum of <br />FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO /100 Dollars ($50,000.00_), as evidenced by a mortgage note and <br />mortgage /deed of trust dated OCTOBER 23, 2003, recorded October 24, 2003 as DOCUMENT # <br />0200314154 in the Office of the HALL COUNTY REGISTER OF DEED'S OFFICE IN HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA and <br />as <br />WHEREAS, said Borrowers have sold to the undersigned Purchasers the property legally described <br />SEE EXHIBIT "A" FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />WHEREAS, Purchasers desire to assume and pay the remaining indebtedness described above as <br />evidenced by the aforementioned note and mortgage /deed of trust; and <br />WHEREAS, DAVID R FAIRBANKS, (As Borrower) desires to be released from any further <br />obligation in respect to the above described note and mortgage /deed of trust; and <br />WHEREAS, Home Federal is willing to permit the assumption by Purchaser of the note and mortgage /deed <br />of trust and release DAVID R FAIRBANKS (Borrower) from the obligations evidenced by the. <br />aforedescribed note and mortgage /deed of trust; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed: <br />1. The undersigned Purchaser hereby assumes and agrees to pay the remaining indebtedness <br />evidenced by the aforedescribed note and mortgage /deed of trust and perform all of the obligations provided <br />therein and as modified hereby, it being agreed and understood that as of this date said indebtedness is <br />FORTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN AND 72/100 Dollars ($46,237.721 <br />2. The terms of the repayment of the debt evidenced by the aforedescribed Note and Deed of Trust <br />will remain in effect until the unpaid balance of said indebtedness shall be at the rate of FIVE AND ONE <br />HALF PERCENT (5.50 %) per annum,, and that monthly payments shall be made commencing on the 1 ST <br />day of AUGUST, 2005, and continuing on the 1 ST day of each month thereafter, it being further agreed that <br />such principal and interest payments shall be in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED EIGHT AND 54/100 <br />Dollars $4, 08.54) per month, to be applied first to interest and the balance to principal until said <br />indebtedness is paid in full, and that, in addition, said Purchasers will pay the sum of NINETY SIX AND <br />34/100 Dollars 96.34) per month in escrow estimated sufficient to pay taxes and/or insurance on said <br />property, which estimate may be revised from time to time by Home Federal, making a total current payment <br />of FIVE HUNDRED FOUR AND 88 /100 Dollars 504.88 per month. <br />3. Except as modified hereby, the note and mortgage /deed of trust above described shall remain in <br />full force and effect and the undersigned Purchasers promise to pay said indebtedness as herein stated and to <br />perform all of the obligations of said mortgage /deed of trust as herein revised. <br />4. By reason of this Loan Modification and Assumption Agreement, Home Federal hereby releases <br />and discharges the undersigned original Borrower, DAVID R FAIRBANKS from his personal obligation <br />upon said indebtedness. CATHERTNA W SALINAS will remain on the loan. <br />5. If any term, covenant, restriction or provision of this Agreement is determined to be void, invalid <br />or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms, covenants, restrictions or provisions of this <br />Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and the provisions of the note and mortgage /deed <br />of trust amended or modified by such void, invalid or unenforceable part hereof shall be <br />reaffirmed and enforceable to the same extent as if this Agreement had not been executed. <br />
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