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M n n <br />M <br />.� z n <br />C` a n z <br />� %� � z r <br />2 f 1 can G? <br />—4 <br />0 CA <br />t C <br />r <br />0 ° <br />rQ <br />TRUSTEE'S DEED 200507269 __J <br />f Cn Z <br />0 <br />Bank of Clarks formerly Farmers State Bank, Trustee and in consideration of One dollar and <br />other valuable consideration ($1.00 OVC) conveys to Bank of Clarks, the following described real s' . S 0 <br />estate as defined in the Nebraska Revised Statutes: <br />Lot Eight (8), Block Seven (7) in Gilbert's Second Addition to the City <br />Of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Grantor covenants with Grantees that it was lawfully appointed as Trustee under a Deed of <br />Trust instrument recorded as Instrument Number 0200207769 of the Register of Deed records of Hall <br />County, Nebraska and that this property was sold pursuant to Section 76 -1001 et seq. after filing a <br />Notice of Default recorded as Instrument Number 0200501831 in the records of the Register of Deeds <br />of Hall County, Nebraska on March 3, 2005. Grantor caused to be published in a legal newspaper for <br />Hall County, the Grand Island Independent, a Notice of Trustee's Sale setting forth a description of the <br />property to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the Hall County Courthouse. Publication <br />was made for 5 consecutive weeks commencing on May 5, 2005 according to law. A copy of the <br />Notice of Default was served upon Margarita Frances and Jose Frances by United States certified <br />mail /return receipt requested and by regular United States Mail postage prepaid at least 10 days prior <br />to the date of sale. <br />Pursuant to the Notice of Trustee's Sale, Wesley D. Nespor, Attorney for Trustee, did at the <br />time and place mentioned in Notice of Trustee's Sale, offer the property for sale at public auction and <br />did sell the same to Grantee for the sum of $50,000.00, that being the highest bid for the property at the <br />sale. Trustee having complied with Section 76 -1001 et seq. conveys to Grantee, without right of <br />redemption, the Trustee's title and all right, title, interest and claim of Margarita Frances and Josh <br />Frances and the interest of all persons or entities claiming by, through or under them, in and to the <br />property sold, including all such right, title, interest and claim in and to such property acquired by <br />junior lien holders subsequent to the execution of the trust deed recorded as Instrument Number <br />0200207769 of the Register of Deed records of Hall County Nebraska. <br />BANK OF CLARKS formerly Farmers <br />State Bank, Trustee <br />By! <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) Rona d Hajek, Exec. Vide-President <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary lic in and for the State of Nebraska, by Ronald <br />Hajek, Executive Vice - President on the _ZL day o , 2005. <br />C <br /> <br />X11 GENERAL NOTARY - State at Netxasiw <br />MARY A. CHURCH <br />My Comm. Ex . Feb. 7, 2009 <br />