Do not waste above line - recorder use only
<br />FORM 5023 (5 -2005)
<br />RETURN TO: Farm Credit Services of America, PO Box 907 Danielle Schreiber
<br />PREPARER: Columbus, NE 68602 -0907 402- 564 -2778
<br />CTL 2: 300 CTL 3: 203 Customer No: 64280 Note No: 202
<br />Farm Credit Services of America
<br />Trustee: AgriBank, FCB, successor -in- interest to the AgAmerica, FCB
<br />Beneficiary: Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA, f /k/a Farm Credit Services of the Midlands, FLCA
<br />Trustor: John A Bohrer, a /k/a John Arthur Bohrer and M Melinda Bohrer, a /k/a Melinda Bohrer,
<br />husband and wife
<br />John t_ Bohrer and Bette Baer Bohrer, a /k/a Betty A Bohrer, husband and wife
<br />Record Information:
<br />County: Hall
<br />Date Recorded: June 1, 1998
<br />Recorded: as Instrument No. 98- 105209
<br />At Beneficiary's request, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby
<br />acknowledged, Trustee hereby grants, releases, and reconveys to Trustor or the person(s) entitled
<br />thereto, all right, title, and interest of the Trustee acquired -by virtue -of the above- meritioned Trust Deed
<br />and Assignment of Rents in and to the following property:
<br />The North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 11, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska; Except a tract of land in the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section, more
<br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said North half of the Northeast
<br />Quarter; thcuce Easterly, along and upon the North line of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter, a distance
<br />of 821.0 feel:; thence deflecting right 89 °54'03" and running Southerly, a distance of 1,273.56 feet; thence
<br />deflecting right 90 °34'29" and running Westerly, a distance of 532.38 feet; thence deflecting left 88 °42'34" and
<br />rurcning Southerly, a distance of 47.89 feet to a point on the South line of said North Half of the Northeast
<br />Quarter; thence deflecting right 88 °27'33" and running Westerly, along and upon the South line of said North Half
<br />of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 297.61 feet to the Southwest corner of said North Half of the Northeast
<br />Quarter; thence deflecting right 90 °07'37" and running Northerly, along and upon the West line of said North Half
<br />of the Northeast. Quarter, a distance of 1,315.85 feet to the point of beginning and containing 24.421 acres, more
<br />or less, of which 0.622 acres, more or less, is presently occupied by public road right -of -way.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Trustee has caused this instrument to be executed on the date set out in the
<br />acknowledgment.
<br />L�`�9m�e®teecarlrae�sr
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<br />STATE OF Nebraska
<br />)ss
<br />C 191% 1WKS711 UO F0-
<br />AgriBank, FCB, Trustee
<br />By Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA
<br />Its Agent and �Ao e -in -Fact,
<br />By E�
<br />Michael Le
<br />Assistant Corporate Secretary
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<br />Do not waste above line - recorder use only
<br />FORM 5023 (5 -2005)
<br />RETURN TO: Farm Credit Services of America, PO Box 907 Danielle Schreiber
<br />PREPARER: Columbus, NE 68602 -0907 402- 564 -2778
<br />CTL 2: 300 CTL 3: 203 Customer No: 64280 Note No: 202
<br />Farm Credit Services of America
<br />Trustee: AgriBank, FCB, successor -in- interest to the AgAmerica, FCB
<br />Beneficiary: Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA, f /k/a Farm Credit Services of the Midlands, FLCA
<br />Trustor: John A Bohrer, a /k/a John Arthur Bohrer and M Melinda Bohrer, a /k/a Melinda Bohrer,
<br />husband and wife
<br />John t_ Bohrer and Bette Baer Bohrer, a /k/a Betty A Bohrer, husband and wife
<br />Record Information:
<br />County: Hall
<br />Date Recorded: June 1, 1998
<br />Recorded: as Instrument No. 98- 105209
<br />At Beneficiary's request, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby
<br />acknowledged, Trustee hereby grants, releases, and reconveys to Trustor or the person(s) entitled
<br />thereto, all right, title, and interest of the Trustee acquired -by virtue -of the above- meritioned Trust Deed
<br />and Assignment of Rents in and to the following property:
<br />The North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 11, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska; Except a tract of land in the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section, more
<br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said North half of the Northeast
<br />Quarter; thcuce Easterly, along and upon the North line of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter, a distance
<br />of 821.0 feel:; thence deflecting right 89 °54'03" and running Southerly, a distance of 1,273.56 feet; thence
<br />deflecting right 90 °34'29" and running Westerly, a distance of 532.38 feet; thence deflecting left 88 °42'34" and
<br />rurcning Southerly, a distance of 47.89 feet to a point on the South line of said North Half of the Northeast
<br />Quarter; thence deflecting right 88 °27'33" and running Westerly, along and upon the South line of said North Half
<br />of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 297.61 feet to the Southwest corner of said North Half of the Northeast
<br />Quarter; thence deflecting right 90 °07'37" and running Northerly, along and upon the West line of said North Half
<br />of the Northeast. Quarter, a distance of 1,315.85 feet to the point of beginning and containing 24.421 acres, more
<br />or less, of which 0.622 acres, more or less, is presently occupied by public road right -of -way.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Trustee has caused this instrument to be executed on the date set out in the
<br />acknowledgment.
<br />L�`�9m�e®teecarlrae�sr
<br />,v Yp11Ct:� C?f °pis
<br />(SEAL) �%
<br />f, rC
<br />�; CHARTERED
<br />".""'HA kX.
<br />21111"wb
<br />STATE OF Nebraska
<br />)ss
<br />C 191% 1WKS711 UO F0-
<br />AgriBank, FCB, Trustee
<br />By Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA
<br />Its Agent and �Ao e -in -Fact,
<br />By E�
<br />Michael Le
<br />Assistant Corporate Secretary
<br />