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JUL -21 -2005 08:5.1 <br />JP Morgan Chase, N.A. <br />200507062 <br />713 750 3525 <br />204410145 <br />P.05 <br />2, <br />distances'of One Thousand Forty Six and Four Tenths <br />(1,046.'4 , feet to a point of curvature; thence <br />southwes,�,erly along the arc of a curve to the right <br />whose radius is 718.51 feet (initial tangent of which <br />coincidtie with the last described course), a distance <br />of Thre xumdred Fifty and Two Tenths (350.2) feet <br />(long chard 346.74' - long chord bearing S 540 111 <br />12.5" W)'; thence continuing southwesterly (S 680 08' <br />59" W) along and upon the final tangent of the last <br />described curve and on said right of way line a <br />distance;of Two Hundred Sixty Five and Forty Four <br />Hundredtba (265.44) feet to a point on the west line of <br />said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE% <br />M), a distance of one Thousand One Hundred One and <br />Thirty EiLght Hundredths (1,101.38) feet to the <br />northwea— corner of said Northeast Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NEIA NEPA); thence N 900 001 000 $ <br />along and,upon the north line of said Section Thirty <br />Six (36).; a distance of One Thousand Two H=dred Forty <br />Three and Seventy Five Hundredths (1,243.75). feet to <br />the point of beginning <br />NOTE: The abe bearings are relative to the north line of <br />the Northeast; Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NBA , Nz%) <br />which was assfted as N 90° 00, 00" S. <br />r <br />[ NYCoxp71176711S .i:CPCOfAI /17/oo -1z :roe] <br />r <br />, 1� 1 <br />