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07/22/2005 09:41 FAI 4024743601 TIERON'E IM002 <br />20050'045 <br />0,660,2004 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Legal Description <br />A tract of land QC=prjA �nq a DaVt of the a91/4 of smCtiOn 14, <br />ToWnehip 10 North. Maanngge ii West of the 6th p.N., X13 Couacy <br />Nesbraeka, mare p�rCiciilarly de■Cribad as fo].lors r G:atpep�LtlCing¢.- <br />a! •point igg.'j �L•t� EaeC pi tF1 wowt�nmdt Carnew of said <br />NR1 /4, on the Northerly of said =I/4; L <br />hence *eont3su:inngg <br />■terly Along the 1Rortherly 1Srie of maid NRi /4 a dist■nae ni <br />217.a feat; theust:s deflecting right 90° and in a &Mtherly <br />directiOn a dlstanc�es of 240 feet, thence deflecting right 9o• <br />and in ■ westerly directiat, parallel to the Xos'tlte:rly line of <br />said M%1/4 a distance pf 217.8 feet, tbanee defleetinq right <br />901 mnd in a Northerly direction a distance of 20o feet to the <br />point; of beginnir, BxCap7'■ tract of 1■nd in the HKA of <br />sactinn xa, Tcmnuhi 3.0 Bomb, Range 1 Neat at the 6th P.M., <br />KA11 Caunsy. NebrAteCA demexibed am iu= % oOMMncing at a <br />point. on the aecticin line 333 fast Nett of tine Worth gyarter <br />COMM of raid'ractioati. thence Meat on aeoftian line a djoLetkcc <br />of 166 teat; thence to the left at an angle of 9o" Sough a <br />610t,tnce of. 293 fast, tAenea to the left at an angla of 9o• <br />east a distance of 164 1mat, rhimnee to the left North 263 four, <br />U <br />0 the point of begL=j- rg, <br />L"MA X <br />