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m <br />..�. U' M CA <br />CA <br />co <br />CD co <br />co <br />Cn co co O <br />200506938 <br />SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE AND DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />1. Substitution of Trustee. Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand Island, ° <br />of P.O. Box 160, Grand Island, NE 68802, is hereby appointed Successor Trustee <br />© under the Deed of Trust executed by DALLAS A FRIESEN AND SHERRY K FRIESEN, <br />HUSBAND AND WIFE, as Trustor, in which EQUITABLE FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, formerly known as THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />� <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, is named as the Beneficiary and Earl D. Ahlschwede, <br />..� Attorney, as Trustee, dated JULY 5 2000 and recorded JULY 7 2000, in the Office of <br />the Register of Deeds of HALL County, Nebraska as Instrument No. 200005547 <br />M regarding the real estate described in paragraph 3 below. <br />y <br />1'x"1 <br />cc 2. Deed of Reconveyance. The indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust <br />rM executed by DALLAS A FRIESEN AND SHERRY K FRIESEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, as trustor, <br />Cn to Earl D. Ahlschwede, Attorney, as Trustee, for the benefit of Equitable Federal <br />Savings Bank of Grand Island, formally known as The Equitable Building and Loan <br />Association of Grand Island, Nebraska., A Federal Savings Bank, Successor to The Equitable Building <br />and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska as Beneficiary, dated JULY 5, 2000, and recorded <br />in the office of the Register of Deeds of HALL County, Nebraska as Document <br />No. 200005547, has been paid, and the Beneficiary has requested in writing that this <br />Deed of Reconveyance be executed and delivered as confirmed by its endorsement <br />below. <br />In consideration of such payment and in accordance with the request of the <br />Beneficiary, the Substitute Trustee reconveys to the person or persons entitled thereto <br />all the right title and interest and claim acquired by the Trustee pursuant to the Deed <br />of Trust in the real estate described in paragraph 3 below. <br />3. Description of real estate applicable to both Substitution of Trustee <br />and Deed of Reconveyance. <br />LOTS SIXTEEN (16) AND EIGHTEEN (18) IN BLOCK SIXTEEN (16) SCARFF'S ADDITION TO WEST <br />LAWN IN GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AND ITS COMPLEMENT LOTS EIGHT (8) <br />AND NINE (9) OF THE SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 280, 281 AND 282 IN WEST LAWN, BEING AN <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />EQUITABLE FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />�d\ S�avirrs <br />BENEFICIARY and SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE �•1�� <br />By <br />Its President /CEO <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF HALL § <br />The fore oin Substitution of Trustee and Deed of Reconveyance was acknowledged <br />before me this ,� Day of t1uk--y , 2005, by Rick L. Harbaugh, President /CEO <br />of Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand Island, a federal savings bank, on behalf of said <br />federal savings bank, Beneficiary and Substitute T e _ <br />... <br />G NERAL NOTARY -State Of Nehraaka <br />EILEEN B. TESMER Nota Public <br />A1y Comm. Exp. Dec.1, 20� <br />