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­�ac)-c-'�,o ('�q9.,;))6 <br />UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ATTACHMENT <br />Debtor: TA Operating Corporation <br />Secured Party: CAT Scale Company <br />Legal Description: <br />A tract of land comprising.a part -of .:the Northeast Quarter <br />of'.the Northe�a,st Quarter (Nil /4, NEl /4) of section <br />Thirty =six. (36) Township Ten (10) North', <br />West of the 6th P.M. in Hall Range Eleven (1i) <br />County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at a r i _ <br />the North Line of said Section Thirty —six (361 said po <br />being .Forty -two and One-Tenth (42.1) feet: west Of - th` <br />Northeast corner Of .said-Section Thirty -six (36) thence <br />running Southwesterly ' along a -. line forming An an <br />46'45 ". with .said.section 9'e of 49, <br />ine and the Nortawesteri.y <br />hg�s�!� along, <br />Y line,.,, a- .distancd o:f..ane Tho�isand <br />Forty =Six and Four Tenths (1,046:4) feet;. to a -po,int of <br />curvature; thence: Southwesterly along the. arc of a curve to <br />.the right whose radius is 7la.51. feet (initial tangent of <br />which coincides with the last described course)., a distance <br />of Three. Hundred Fifty and Two Tenths (350.2) feet; thence <br />continuing Southwesterly along the final tangent of the last <br />described curve, and on said right-of-way line, a distance <br />Of Two Hundred Sixty.; Five and F if ty -Five 'Hundredths . (265.5.5') <br />feet to the West line of said NE1/4, NE1/4, a distance of <br />One Thousand One hundred One and Twen ty- Four' Hundred the <br />(1,101,24) feet to the Northwest corner of said NE1/4, NE <br />1/4; thence .masterly along. the North 'lime of said Section <br />Thirty -Six (36) , a distance of One Thousand Two Hundria <br />Forty -Three and Ninety Two Hundredths. (1,243:92) feet. to -the <br />-place of beginning and containing 18;052 acres more or less <br />Of which 0 .932. acres more or less are presently Occupied I by <br />County Road right -of -way, together with all appurtenances <br />thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining and all right, <br />title and interest of Lessor herein, in and to any and all <br />roads, streets, alleys and. ways bounding said premises <br />SUBJECT TO any and all restrictions, convenants, conditions, <br />zoning ordinances, rights -of -way and easements of record, if <br />any, affecting said land. <br />