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EXHIBIT `A' <br />JOB #: 8602503 <br />LOAN #: 15733830 <br />Index # IMAGE <br />200506743 <br />nail Uounty; Nagrasxa: <br />Part of the East half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 11, Range 10 West of the <br />6th P.M,; Commencing at a point of the East line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 24 <br />which point is 450 feet South of the Northeast corner of sold Southwest Quarter; running thence <br />due West parallel with the North line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 163 feet; running <br />thence due South parallel with the East line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 90 feet; <br />running thence due East parallel with the North line of the Southwest Quarter a distance of 163 <br />feet ; running thence North on the East line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 90 feet as <br />surveyed platted and recorded, all in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />