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JOB #: 8602503 <br />LOAN #: 14269253 <br />Index # IMAGE <br />EXHIBIT `A" <br />.16(11 ur.suâ–º )1)tau)t <br />200506739 <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lots Three (3) and Four 4), Mainland of Section Seventeen (17), <br />Township Nine (9) North, Range Tlvclve (12) West of the 6tlt !',iV1., I1a11 County, Nebraska, and more <br />particularly describer( as follows: Ieginning at the nartlle;tst crarller of said Section Seventeen (17), said <br />point also being the nortite;tst cornet• of s;ii(I ,of Foln (4), Ma;ctland; thence N89° <17' 30" W ; long and <br />upon the nortil line of Said Section Suvenfccu (17) and also beilyg tllong and upon Ole north Tine of said <br />Lots 'Three (3) and Four (4), Maittl:utd, a distance of Une Thousand Nine Hundred Thirly Nine and <br />Ligltty'nv() l[unrtl-edths (1,939.82) feel; thrlrce S 00' 47' 26" IV, parallel with the east line of said 1, )f Fotu <br />(4), Ahtinland, a distance of 'Three Hundred Nfncty 'I'wf) and I-Ifly Six hundredths (392,56) feet; thence <br />S 89° 47' 32" C, a distance of Four fiundred Seventy Nine and i out I11111dredths (479.04) fed; thence N <br />00° 47' 26" F,, parallel with the east line of said l.ot Jour (4), Mnfuland, rt (,is,, I ce' )f'I ht'ee Iftnxdred fifty <br />(3511.0) Net; thence N 89° 54' 43" E, ;t disfancc of One 'I housaud Four Ilundrerl sixty and Eighty Seven <br />Iluudredtils (1,460.$7) feet to it point on (be east line of saill Section Scvcnfeen (17) and along heillg it <br />point oil the east line of said Lot Jour (4), Mainland, thence N 00° 47' 26" E, ;flung and upoll file east <br />line of satcf Secttolt Seventeen (17) and also Eyeing along and upnu the east [file of said Lot Four (4), <br />Mainland, a distance of Thirty Five (35.0) feet to the poiltt of beginning <br />