<br />allocated solely to that unit; and any portion serving more than one unit or any portion of
<br />the common elements is a part of the common elements.
<br />2.1.3 Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 2.1.2, all spaces, interior partitions
<br />and other fixtures and improvements within the boundaries of a unit are a part of the unit.
<br />2.1.4 Shutters, awnings, and all exterior doors and windows designed to serve a
<br />single unit are limited common elements allocated exclusively to that unit.
<br />2.2 Description of the Square Footage Content of Each Unit. The square footage
<br />content space of each unit and of each area of the condominium subject to individual and
<br />exclusive control is set forth on the Unit Plans of the building as shown on the diagram
<br />and plans attached hereto.
<br />2.3 Description of the Common Elements. The common elements include all of
<br />the condominium, except the units, including, without limitation, the following:
<br />2.3.1 The roof, foundations, columns, girders, studding, joist, beams, supports,
<br />main walls (excluding only non - bearing interior partitions of units), bearing walls, floors,
<br />ceilings, windows, doors outside of units and all other structural parts of the building and
<br />any replacements thereto, whether any of the foregoing are within units or without;
<br />provided that any lathe, furring, wallboard, plasterboard, plaster, drywall, paneling, paint,
<br />wallpaper, carpeting, tiles and other such decorative surface coverings or finishings of
<br />common elements within or on unit boundaries are not common elements but are part of
<br />the unit.
<br />2.3.2 Installation of services serving more than a single unit, such as power, light,
<br />gas, water, heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, pipes, conduits, wires (wherever they
<br />may be located, whether in partitions or otherwise), tanks, pumps, motors, fans,
<br />compressors, ducts, and in general all appurtenance and installations existing for common
<br />use wherever located on the property, within units or without.
<br />2.33 The grounds, trees, gardens, landscaped areas, exterior fixtures, walkways
<br />and driveways.
<br />2.3.4 Certain items located outside of unit boundaries, which ordinarily relight be
<br />considered common elements, such as, but not limited to, air conditioning units, screen
<br />doors, window screens, awnings, planter boxes, and the like serving single units, shall be
<br />limited common elements to be furnished and maintained by owners of the units served at
<br />their individual expense, in good order, according to standards and requirements set forth
<br />in the By -Laws or other rules adopted by the Association. Each owner shall have the
<br />right to the exclusive use and possession of, and shall be responsible for the care of ally
<br />space between his unit's boundary and the interior surface of any window or door- oil a
<br />perimeter wall of the unit, any storage area adjacent to his unit, and any landscaped entry
<br />way contiguous to his unit which would normally be subject to the exclusive use of all
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