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NOTICE OF DEFAULT <br />//. v <br />TO: RUBEN CABRERA <br />MARIA ANNA JUREZ <br />1013 NORTH EDDY STREET <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />Please take notice that Paul J. LaPuzza, Successor Trustee, in a Trust Deed from <br />Ruben Cabrera and Maria Anna Jurez, husband and wife, dated July 29, 2002 and <br />recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska on July 31, 2002 <br />as Instrument No. 200207974; the Beneficiary of which Trust Deed was Mortgage <br />Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.; does hereby notify the above -named persons of a <br />default in said Trust Deed, which Trust Deed was granted upon the following- described real <br />eStp e, situated <br />in the Coup of Hall and State of Nebraska, to -wit: <br />THE SOUTHERLY SIXTY -SEVEN AND EIGHT TENTHS (67.8) FEET OF THE <br />FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: FRACTIONAL LOT FOUR (4), <br />FRACTIONAL BLOCK TWENTY -ONE (21) IN RUSSEL WHEELER'S ADDITION <br />AND ITS COMPLEMENT: FRACTIONAL LOT FOUR (4), FRACTIONAL BLOCK <br />ONE (1), H.G. CLARK'S ADDITION, BOTH BEING ADDITIONS TO THE CITY <br />OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />and that a breach of the obligation for which the trust property was conveyed as security <br />has occurred in that the grantors of said deed have failed, neglected and refused to <br />make the payments on said note which Trust Deed was given to secure, which became <br />RMRN TD: <br />PAUL I UPUM <br />275 NORTH 115TH STREET <br />OMAHA, NE 68154 <br />(f) <br />c <br />P <br />n= <br />�— <br />.u' <br />-< <br />CD <br />Win° <br />co <br />cn <br />CD <br />C3 <br />a <br />w <br />W <br />�� w <br />L7 <br />Cl) <br />--- <br />�' <br />z <br />a <br />NOTICE OF DEFAULT <br />//. v <br />TO: RUBEN CABRERA <br />MARIA ANNA JUREZ <br />1013 NORTH EDDY STREET <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />Please take notice that Paul J. LaPuzza, Successor Trustee, in a Trust Deed from <br />Ruben Cabrera and Maria Anna Jurez, husband and wife, dated July 29, 2002 and <br />recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska on July 31, 2002 <br />as Instrument No. 200207974; the Beneficiary of which Trust Deed was Mortgage <br />Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.; does hereby notify the above -named persons of a <br />default in said Trust Deed, which Trust Deed was granted upon the following- described real <br />eStp e, situated <br />in the Coup of Hall and State of Nebraska, to -wit: <br />THE SOUTHERLY SIXTY -SEVEN AND EIGHT TENTHS (67.8) FEET OF THE <br />FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: FRACTIONAL LOT FOUR (4), <br />FRACTIONAL BLOCK TWENTY -ONE (21) IN RUSSEL WHEELER'S ADDITION <br />AND ITS COMPLEMENT: FRACTIONAL LOT FOUR (4), FRACTIONAL BLOCK <br />ONE (1), H.G. CLARK'S ADDITION, BOTH BEING ADDITIONS TO THE CITY <br />OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />and that a breach of the obligation for which the trust property was conveyed as security <br />has occurred in that the grantors of said deed have failed, neglected and refused to <br />make the payments on said note which Trust Deed was given to secure, which became <br />RMRN TD: <br />PAUL I UPUM <br />275 NORTH 115TH STREET <br />OMAHA, NE 68154 <br />