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#0 y <br />Recording Requested by <br />Countrywide Home Loans,Inc. <br />AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br />Countrywide Home Loans,Inc, <br />1800 Tapo Canyon Road SV2 -116 <br />Simi Valley, CA 93063 <br />Attn: TANIA ISABEL GOMEZ ROMERO <br />CLD Deficiency Department <br />DOC. ID #: 000492796382005N <br />200506546 <br />Space Above for Recorder's Use <br />LOAN MODIFICATION AGREEMENT TO THE DEED OF TRUST <br />This Loan Modification Agreement (the "Agreement "), made this 8th day of December, 2004 between <br />MARK A FISHLER , (the "Borrowers ") and Countrywide Home Loans,Inc. , ( "Lender "), amends and <br />supplements that certain DEED OF TRUST between, COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC., and <br />MARK A FISHLER, AN UNMARRIED MAN, dated February 14, 2004 and recorded on February <br />24, 2004 as Instrument Number 0200401619 in the Official Records of the HALL County, State of <br />NEBRASKA (the "Security Instrument "), and covering the real property specifically described as follows: <br />This property is more commonly known as: 1714 SAINT PAUL RD <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 <br />In consideration of the mutual promises and agreements exchanged, the parties hereto agree to modify the <br />Security Instrument as follows: <br />TO CORRECT THE PROPERTY ADDRESS TO READ 1714 ST. PAUL ROAD, <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 ON THE DEED OF TRUST PG 1 OF 5. <br />The Borrowers shall comply with all other covenants, agreements and requirements of the Security <br />Instrument. Nothing in this Agreement shall be understood or construed to be a satisfaction or release in <br />whole or in part of the Security Instrument. <br />Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, the Security Instrument shall remain <br />unchanged, and the Borrowers and Countrywide Home Loans,Inc. shall be bound by, and comply with all <br />of the terms and provisions thereof, as amended by this Agreement, and the Security Instrument shall <br />remain in full force and effect and shall continue to be a second lien on the above - described property. All <br />capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Security Instrument. <br />