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200500530 <br />receipts for any income or dividend arising from such investments, and to vary or dispose of all and any <br />such investments or other investments for my use and benefit as he or she may think fit. <br />10. To vote at stockholders' meetings, execute proxies, and otherwise substitute for owner. To <br />vote at the meetings of stockholders or other meetings of any corporation or company, or otherwise to <br />act as my attorney or proxy, with power of substitution, in respect of any stocks, shares, bonds, <br />debentures, or other evidences of ownership, or securities, now or hereafter held by me and issued by or <br />on account of said corporation or company and for that purpose to execute any proxies, limited or <br />general, or other instruments. <br />11. To execute deeds, bills, notes, and similar instruments. For all or any of the purpose herein <br />stated, to enter into and sign, seal, execute, acknowledge, and deliver any contracts, deeds or other <br />instruments whatsoever, and to draw, accept, make, endorse, discount, or otherwise deal with any bills of <br />exchange, checks, promissory notes, or other commercial or mercantile instruments. <br />12. To make gifts. To make gifts of real and/or personal property on my behalf to take full <br />advantage of all abilities I have during my lifetime to make gifts of whatsoever nature so as to benefit my <br />estate planning. <br />13. To do all other thin sg_ necessary in connection herewith. 1n general to do all other acts, deeds, <br />matters, and things whatsoever in or about my estate, property, and affairs, or to concur with persons <br />jointly interested with myself therein in doing all acts, deeds, matters, and things herein, either particularly <br />or generally described, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I could do in my own proper <br />person if personally present, it being my intent to grant to my said attorney a general power to act for me <br />and in my behalf, and not a limited or special power, limited to the specific acts herein described. <br />14. Power of attorney effective notwithstanding disability of principal; continues in effect after <br />principal's death until notice. Pursuant to the provision of the Uniform Durable Power of Attorney Act, I <br />declare that this power of attorney shall not be affected by my disability or incapacity, and that the <br />authority granted herein shall continue during any period while I am disabled or incapacitated. <br />Further, pursuant to said sections, all such authority shall continue after my death, until notice of such <br />death shall have been received by my attorney so that he has actual knowledge of the fact that I have <br />died. Any action taken in good faith by said attorney during any period while it is uncertain whether I am <br />alive, before he or she receives actual knowledge of my death, or, in any event, taken during any period <br />while I am disabled or incapacitated, shall be as valid as if I were alive, competent, and not disabled. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed and acknowledged this instrument this 17th day of <br />June, 2005. <br />A <br />S <br />W <br />3 <br />