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<br />THIS TRUST DEED made this �;_ day of 200 __�t, between LARRY
<br />MACE and JANE MACE, Husband and Wife, as TRU STOR(S), whose address is 5106 Briarwood
<br />Lane, St. Joseph, Missouri, 64506; PATRICK A. BROCK, A Member of the Nebraska State Bar
<br />Association, as TRUSTEE, whose address is 222 North Cedar Street, P. O. Box 2280, Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska, 68802; and THE STAFFING CENTER, INC., a Missouri Corporation, of 5106
<br />Briarwood Lane, St. Joseph, Missouri, 64506, all hereinafter collectively referred to as
<br />That TRUSTORS hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and warrant to TRUSTEE, IN
<br />TRUST, his successors and assigns, with power of sale, the following- described real property:
<br />Lot Eight (8) in West Heights an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska. (2543 West 4th Street, Grand Island, Nebraska, 68803)
<br />together with all buildings, improvements and appurtenances thereon.
<br />The TRUSTORS hereby covenant and agree with the TRUSTEE and BENEFICIARIES
<br />that TRUSTORS are lawfully seized and the owners of the above - described property; that they have
<br />toed right and la.vful authori' -; to sell and convcy s aid premises and that said premises are free and
<br />clear of all liens and encumbrances, and further, that TRUSTORS will warrant and defend the title
<br />to said premises forever against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />For the purpose of securing performance of each covenant of this agreement together with
<br />TRUSTOR executing a Line of Credit in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars
<br />($100,000.00), dated May 5, 2005, at the rate of interest and on the terms and conditions set forth in
<br />such Line of Credit until paid. The principal sum and interest shall be payable in accordance with
<br />and upon the terms and conditions of the Line of Credit. All installment payments hereunder shall
<br />be applied first to the payment of interest computed annually on the unpaid balance, pursuant to the
<br />Amortization Schedule, a copy of which has been provided to each of the parties hereto, and
<br />remainder of each payment of installment to be applied to principal. All payments due hereunder
<br />shall be paid at the office of the BENEFICIARIES or the holder of said security shall designate in
<br />writing.
<br />It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that while title is vested in the TRUSTEE and
<br />until filing of Notice of Default, the TRUSTORS shall:
<br />A. Retain possession of the property at all times, except as may be otherwise agreed by the
<br />parties in writing.
<br />B. Maintain the building and its improvements and all personal property sold under the parties'
<br />Contract for Sale of Real Estate, in good condition and repair.
<br />C. Pay all general and special taxes and all special assessments of every kind levied or assessed
<br />against or due upon said property before delinquency, and to deliver to BENEFICIARIES
<br />copies of receipts showing payment of such taxes.
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<br />THIS TRUST DEED made this �;_ day of 200 __�t, between LARRY
<br />MACE and JANE MACE, Husband and Wife, as TRU STOR(S), whose address is 5106 Briarwood
<br />Lane, St. Joseph, Missouri, 64506; PATRICK A. BROCK, A Member of the Nebraska State Bar
<br />Association, as TRUSTEE, whose address is 222 North Cedar Street, P. O. Box 2280, Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska, 68802; and THE STAFFING CENTER, INC., a Missouri Corporation, of 5106
<br />Briarwood Lane, St. Joseph, Missouri, 64506, all hereinafter collectively referred to as
<br />That TRUSTORS hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and warrant to TRUSTEE, IN
<br />TRUST, his successors and assigns, with power of sale, the following- described real property:
<br />Lot Eight (8) in West Heights an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska. (2543 West 4th Street, Grand Island, Nebraska, 68803)
<br />together with all buildings, improvements and appurtenances thereon.
<br />The TRUSTORS hereby covenant and agree with the TRUSTEE and BENEFICIARIES
<br />that TRUSTORS are lawfully seized and the owners of the above - described property; that they have
<br />toed right and la.vful authori' -; to sell and convcy s aid premises and that said premises are free and
<br />clear of all liens and encumbrances, and further, that TRUSTORS will warrant and defend the title
<br />to said premises forever against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />For the purpose of securing performance of each covenant of this agreement together with
<br />TRUSTOR executing a Line of Credit in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars
<br />($100,000.00), dated May 5, 2005, at the rate of interest and on the terms and conditions set forth in
<br />such Line of Credit until paid. The principal sum and interest shall be payable in accordance with
<br />and upon the terms and conditions of the Line of Credit. All installment payments hereunder shall
<br />be applied first to the payment of interest computed annually on the unpaid balance, pursuant to the
<br />Amortization Schedule, a copy of which has been provided to each of the parties hereto, and
<br />remainder of each payment of installment to be applied to principal. All payments due hereunder
<br />shall be paid at the office of the BENEFICIARIES or the holder of said security shall designate in
<br />writing.
<br />It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that while title is vested in the TRUSTEE and
<br />until filing of Notice of Default, the TRUSTORS shall:
<br />A. Retain possession of the property at all times, except as may be otherwise agreed by the
<br />parties in writing.
<br />B. Maintain the building and its improvements and all personal property sold under the parties'
<br />Contract for Sale of Real Estate, in good condition and repair.
<br />C. Pay all general and special taxes and all special assessments of every kind levied or assessed
<br />against or due upon said property before delinquency, and to deliver to BENEFICIARIES
<br />copies of receipts showing payment of such taxes.
<br />